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RE: The World's Most Dangerous Introduction Post (Part 2)

You blogging for money!? Keep the content up and keep us young-uns in mind. Some of the posts by old-time Steemians... with a 70+ by your name ... are quite a bit hard to follow.

I'm pretty technical, I am pretty sharp, and I can hold my own with English as my 1st language. But if I might critique some of this content, I am going to have to say that it's super hard to break in and understand STEEM cliques.

Imagine a guy who stumbles upon a group of used car salesmen. There are speakers, questions from the crowd, and a lot of head nodding. But the new guy in the back gets virtually nothing... perhaps absolutely nothing in many hours of hearing all the speakers. Even the speeches about salesmanship go over his head.

I feel that at least some of the content could be better presented. Please consider the noobs. That's all I'm saying. You make $150 a post, and it goes over a lot of heads. Kick back some of that into dumbing it down somewhat. Give an extra 10 minutes per post to link to explanatory, rudimentary stuff.

People's heads are spinning, man. That's not good for noobs or the community. I know every niche has its shop talk, but it's a steep learning curve for those who are just facebooking their way in to check it out.


Ah but you see that is my style. I write the way people here in Glasgow tend to speak as it amuses me and seems to amuse others. I am not strictly speaking blogging thinking only of the dollars. Where I do an informative post then I certainly do my best to make it clear. When I am writing a post on my life experiences though I write it exactly the way it was experienced for me.

That's part of the joy of it you see.

I wouldn't worry about cliques or other stuff. Just blog your stuff, you will gain followers and it will all work out :0)

So do you have red hair? I'm trying to get more red hair into the world by procreating. It's slow, but it's my little part. :) I'd like to visit Scotland... closest I've been is wherever Stonehenge is. LOL.

It's way down south in England! About 500 miles away, it is only a small island after all. And nah, no red hair here :0)

Ahh, don't tell me that! I have some red hair in the family, I have traced my heritage (through my last name) to northern England or southern Scotland, and I thought there were a few red heads there. Surely you jest when you say there's none! Even a 1:20 or so? I thought it was more prevalent there. I don't remember seeing any Irish in my bloodline, but maybe that's where the red came from.

In any case, I saw some cuties in England with red hair. But I never went far north. Business was in London area, and I was like 13. Hottest heatwave ever and I was there with no A/C in rental car and Brits who thought ice in a drink was stupid. LOL

Haha, we have got over the ice thing! There are a fair few red heads about. I am just not one of them... Which I am fairly thankful for. It could be quite the thing to be red haired in school

Really?! We converted you to ICE? Do tell.

That was a 1980s thing, maybe. The Brits were ridiculously skeptical. The French were simply rude about ice in a Coke. I don't think they even chilled the Coke, so the two cubes we got on the Calais street corner melted in 5 minutes.

But that's news.... Ice in soft drinks. Some ice machine maker in the B.I. has got to be rich because of me and my family asking for ice everywhere.

YOU HAVE Americans to thank for soft drink ice. I know it with all my heart it's true. I visited for 10 days and I still remember it was a big ordeal everywhere we went. Hottest heat wave ever at the time, too, and the swimming pool water still gave me the shrinkage. Ouch.

England. What a place to visit... wouldn't want to live there. LOL.

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