Perkenalan diri saya di steemit

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hii steemit.....
Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya dengan teman-teman
Setelah saya mendengar dan mempelajari tentang steemit dari kawan saya, saya sangat termotivasi untuk bergabung dengan program steemit ini. Jadi nama saya @tobersteem dan saya tinggal di Aceh/ Indonesia tepatnya di kabupaten Aceh Utara dan propesi saya sekarang masih dalam masa mempelajari atau mendalami ilmu-ilmu, baik itu ilmu agama ataupun ilmu umum lainnya.
Bergabungnya saya di sini saya sangat berharap untuk bisa saling kenal mengenal dengan teman-teman dan hendaknya dengan adanya teman-teman dapat membantu saya dalam mempelajari ilmu steemit lebih dalam, dan lebih jelas supaya sukses dengan dukungan dan bantuan teman-teman saya sangat berterima kasih. Dan saya sangat berharap dengan adanya informasi dari teman-teman saya dapat mempelajari banyak ilmu nantinya pun demikian dengan informasi-informasi yang saya paparkan hendaknya berguna bagi saya dan bagi teman-teman nantinya.

Atas nama @tobersteem pemula di steemit harapan teman-teman yang lebih dulu bergabung, dan saya ingin menyebutnya senior dengan harapan bisa membimbing saya di steemit, baik cara membagikan postingan, cara membuat postingan, proses pengeditan dalam menampilkan postingan, dan lain sebagainya, ataupun ada trik-trik ksusus untuk menjadi steemian yang handal nantinya. Harapan ini juga begitu saya harapkan, tampa henti memberi kritik dan saran yang bertujuan membangun dari senior-senior yang sudah cukup mengerti tentang steemit.
Terima kasih juga saya ucapkan, setelah ini saya siap menjadi steemian sejati menulis dan memberi postingan tanpa henti.

Hii steemit .....
Let me introduce myself to my friends
After I heard and learned about the steemit from my friends, I am very motivated to join this steemit program. So my name is @ tobersteem and I live in Aceh / Indonesia precisely in North Aceh district and my current prophecy is still in the study or studying the sciences, be it religious knowledge or other general science.

Join me here I really hope to know each other familiar with friends and should be with friends can help me in studying steemit deeper, and more clearly so that success with the support and help of my friends are very grateful. And I really hope that with the information from my friends can learn a lot of science later so with the information that I describe should be useful for me and for friends later.

On behalf of @tobersteem beginner in steemit hope the friends who joined first, and I want to call it senior in hopes can guide me in steemit, either how to share post, how to make post, editing process in posting post, special tricks to become a reliable steemian later. This hope is also so I expect, without stopping to give criticism and suggestions that aims to build from seniors who already understand enough about steemit.
Thank you also I say, after this I am ready to be a true steemian write and give post without stopping.

Hii steemit .....
Let me introduce myself to my friends
After I heard and learned about the steemit from my friends, I am very motivated to join this steemit program. So my name is @ tobersteem and I live in Aceh / Indonesia precisely in North Aceh district and my current prophecy is still in the study or studying the sciences, be it religious knowledge or other general science.

Join me here I really hope to know each other familiar with friends and should be with friends can help me in studying steemit deeper, and more clearly so that success with the support and help of my friends are very grateful. And I really hope that with the information from my friends can learn a lot of science later so with the information that I describe should be useful for me and for friends later.

On behalf of @tobersteem beginner in steemit hope the friends who joined first, and I want to call it senior in hopes can guide me in steemit, either how to share post, how to make post, editing process in posting post, special tricks to become a reliable steemian later. This hope is also so I expect, without stopping to give criticism and suggestions that aims to build from seniors who already understand enough about steemit.
Thank you also I say, after this I am ready to be a true steemian write and give post without stopping.


Hai, halo @tobersteem.. Selamat berjumpa di Steemit! Suka anda kumpul.. telah kami upvote yaa.. 8)

welcome here and enjoy with steemit

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