Introduction - part 2

Between working full-time, taking home study courses on naturopathy, and making travel arrangements for the weekend, I haven't had much time to put together a post. But to let everyone know, since first becoming acquainted with Steemit last week, I have taken the time to read the white paper, the FAQ article, an article about witnessing, and several other postings listed on the welcome page.

Apart from that, I have also taken the time to browse some other people's feeds, plus comment, and upvote different postings. It seems the more I get involved with Steemit, the more prominent it is becoming in my life. I could easily spend every waking moment engaging the people, and content of this community.

With that, I would like to ask the reader for a suggestion. My first computer was a Commodore 64 that I got in 1984. I taught myself much of the basic language, and ran a 24 hr. BBS about a year or so later. In 1992, an opportunity to move to Chandler, Arizona was presented to me, and that resulted in the selling of all my hardware. A consequence of that was a disassociation from computers altogether until 1995 when I moved back to Pennsylvania, and encountered a friend who gave a 386 with Windows 95. As one can see, I went from Basic to a GUI without ever becoming acquainted with command line operations.

What I am asking for is a recommendation for a manual or some other resource that would help me become acquainted with operating the command line terminal in Ubuntu, as that is the OS that is recommended for mining Steem? It would be much appreciated. I know, I could do a search, or go to the Ubuntu website for info, but I thought it would be more enjoyable to hear from you.


I've found by doing virtual machines with virtual box and using some of the linux tutorials on here (@krnel) was very constructive. I didn't know what I was doing. So after making about a billion mistakes I'm starting to get comfortable with CLI. Can't get e-mail to work yet, but really don't need it. Good Luck!

It would be a good question to ask in the "dev" channel of Steemit chat. I know many of the basic commands, but most of the time I just google whatever I am trying to do :) A good comprehensive guide would be really useful!

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