You Don’t Know Me Yet, And Neither Do I

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

If there is one theme
that has been a constant in my life it is surprise. There have been many. Some were expected like a 30th birthday party. Others were unannounced and pounced like a cat on a toy. Oh yes I’ve been the toy more than once.

What is life,
if not a blended mix of all that we have experienced, both the bitter and the sweet. I had no blueprint to follow in my life so I had no choice but to become my own trailblazer.

Sitting here and writing this introduction while reflecting
on my life is like an out of body experience, or my life flashing before my eyes.

A time warp
that is moving so fast that a shape begins to take form…

Bent over double in a thunder storm running,
curled up reading at home, jumping on broken glass grandma frantically soaking bloodied feet, huge snowflakes melting on an upturned face eyes closed, tongue stuck to a frozen fence post, tobogganing wildly out of control the kid in front breaking his leg, sexual abuse,
moving from the big city to the woods,
father dead from suicide, building our new home, canoeing, skating, snowmobiling, swimming, bike, first instrument ukulele, lonely, second instrument guitar for Christmas, sexual abuse, moped,
first girlfriend, first heartbreak,
acute smells as I write this, cold winter air, fall leaves, me and John skinning the bear that tried to kill his pregnant wife, the tough fatty taste of the meat, first singing gig, shown the door at 17 and shocked, a good boy brokenhearted took my boy scout of the year award with me, out into the world with no plan now, railroad is good money hard cold work,
did I find Jesus or did he find me,
Bible college, singing summers Crater Lake, Red woods, president’s heads, married, two kids, divorced, youth pastor, carpenter, photographer, married divorced again really come on,
did I find music or did music find me,
lifelong dream completing original album, playing music full time, Dominican orphans, knack for cooking and baking, wait, what, industrial design, I have no training, universe doesn’t care and keeps giving me new designs, fine if you insist…I do.

What have I learned about myself?
There is no box that can define me. I am just as comfortable splitting firewood as I am writing a song, baking a cake and shooting my 45/70 with 325 grains.

If I am not excited about life
at a particular moment I will find a new challenge and live a new dream. Maybe this is part of that dream. I hope you like me for who I am. I won’t be holding anything back. I’ll be sharing my songs, my photography, cooking and camping tips, clever things you can adapt for your own use like my pill bottle keychain organizer and how to do anything with a wok from breakfast to baking.

All aboard! Welcome to the life expressed!

How do you introduce a life lived? What a challenge!

I will put down one of my original songs today called That Kind of Nothin’

This is a very heartfelt song for me
and I know we have all seen (or been) people throw themselves at someone who does not want or appreciate them reciprocally. A complete imbalance in desire is always disastrous, leading to an overall relationship imbalance.

This song is from my own heart
experiencing that imbalance personally. You can never change that imbalance, it is predetermined the moment you meet someone and impossible to alter. In my experience, it is set like an immovable and arbitrary mountain based on some primal sense of one’s own self worth and the perceived value or compatibility of another.

I suppose my favorite line from this song is

If she only had the eyes to see
That I’m the kind of nothin’
That she needs


That Kind of Nothin'

I’m not the kind of guy
That would usually catch her eye
On any given day or street
She’d simply pass me by

I may be nothing like the man
She imagined in her dreams
I know I’m not the kind
You’d see up on a screen

But I’ve got something better
Than a star on some old sidewalk
I’ll sit with her all night and talk
Wrapped up in my old sweater

I’m nothing like the guys she knew
Who promised things they couldn’t do
And the only thing that was really true
Was the day would come when they were through
If she only had the eyes to see
That I’m the kind of nothin’
That she needs

I’ll always be that kind of nothin’
She never dreamed about
But I’ll always be the man
That never leaves her with a doubt
I’m not so blind that I can’t see
She’s a treasure without a key

And there’s no way in but what she will allow
All she ever wanted was a faithful lifetime vow

© Michael Arthur Tremblay 2010


That song totally made me cry. Of course, as you'll find out, many things make me cry. Beautiful songs, especially so.
That was a meaty introduce yourself post! I am looking forward to seeing more from you.
I host a show on Friday nights, with my BFF @globocop, whom you know.
It's called Jane's CHAOS Show, and it's on MSP Waves radio at 6PM Central. Globo and I were wondering if you would be interested in being a guest on our show tomorrow evening, during our 3rd hour (8-9 PM Central), for a quick segment to tell us a little more about yourself? If you would be interested, please contact @globocop via direct message on Discord, and he can give you details on how to call into the show. (I don't know all that technical stuff. I'm just there for giggles and music. And to get Globo into situations. giggles)
Great post, and great song! Looking forward to more! Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks so much for checking out another of my posts :) I sent @globocop a message, waiting to hear back.

Wowza, BugIQ. What an intro!!!
This is impressive. Very open and honest.

Thank you Blue it's great to finally be up and running! :) See you in the ramble my friend.

I remember, and also, I need to find a better recipe for you if the Bear Meat was too tough and fatty. Or, it was the wrong cut. Some parts should best be used as ground meat (burger, meatloaf, meat balls, in a Ragu, etc)

We literally had no idea what we were doing lol. I'm not planning on eating bear again any time soon haha.

Or having one chase someone's pregnant wife?

Do you know the saying, "Some days, you eat the bear, and some days, the bear eats you."

Interesting story. That bear came roaring out of what John thought was a wolf hole in the late fall early winter. It's hard to say who was more surprised John or that bear. Sandy was 7 months.

John put one in its shoulder and as he stumbled going backwards he put another one between its eyes. Trusty 30/30 and able to keep both hands on the rifle.

Dad always said, "remember, be careful in the woods." I never forget it.

It's their office!! They live and thrive out there and so many people think they're going to slip off the couch and into the woods and Every Little Ting Will Be Alriiiight. Little Bob Marley took me by surprise there for a sec lol


Welcome @thebugiq !
Glad you made it here, and glad you found MSP as well.
Looking fwd to your posts.

Thanks so much, already having a great time! :) Thanks for all the help too!

That was a strange introduction. I like it! lol
I also love Taylor guitars. :P Welcome to Steemit!

LOL Thanks Josh, you nailed it, different is what I was going for. Basically, here's me, not just some of me but all of me. Take it or leave it or nibble as desired. Thanks for the welcome brother.

This is so amazing. I’m so proud of your first post, and introduction on steemit.
I love your Moo-sic, and your writing style.
I wish I had your talent!
I’m flabbergasted and all I can think to say is; WOW WOW WOW

Thanks katrah! I'm glad you connect with my quirky style! LOL

@thebugiq welcome to steemit. its an honour to have you here sir. welcoming the first person who composes songs. hope to see more of you. will follow you for your feeds.
we are here to help you get accustomed to steemit. just sharing what i learnt here on steemit and compiled them in my blog. hope it will help you.
for any queries please feel free to ask. it would be more than pleasure to work with you.

Thanks very much, it's great to be here :) I'll check out the guide.

Great Intro @TheBugIQ ... Love the title AND what You wrote.

AND the song... very, very nice...


Well done Michael !!

Cheers !!

Thanks! I really appreciate it :D

So you're finally done keeping us waiting? Nice job @thebugiq. ;-)

Took me two days to get Shadow's boot outmearse LOL had to giterdone :P

Sighs Ah yes. Dear, gentle @shadowspub. So much more patient than I would be. ;-)

oh you must not know the one i know :)

You must not know me. ;-)

i do actually :)

Not as well as you thought, then. Lovingly strokes whip

oh i knew about that ... it was the reference to shadowspup as gentle and/or patient that puzzled me :)

Welcome to Steemit. I am sure you will enjoy the Steemit Platform.

Thanks David it's great to be here :)

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