in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

I would like to introduce myself to my fellow Steemit enthusiats

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I want to tell you all how excited I am for Steemit, but I guess nothing shows excitement as writing three blog posts here in the last 3 days.

In fact, that’s when I discovered Steemit, three days ago. And since I am currently using the username: The Alien. I thought I introduce myself:

Well, obviously I am not an alien, my name is Adil Elias, I use this alias because I’m creating a comedy show about an alien that comes to earth and starts picking on all the little strange things that we humans do, especially in regards to authoritarian systems and politics.

And obviously as a freedom-minded person I do in my own way attempt to introducing crypto-currencies and the Blockchain in a storytelling model, indirectly showcasing the great contrast between peer-to-peer technologies especially and voluntary interactions as a whole to the current model of coercive bureaucracy using the tools of comedy to do so.

As comedian Bill Hicks once said: “The best kind of comedy to me is when you make people laugh at things they've never laughed at, and also take a light into the darkened corners of people's minds”

But before this beautiful adventure, I used to write for a Libertarian blog where my last article was ironically titled “Can The Blockchain Change The World?”.

That was on 2014, and here we are two years later and I find myself enjoying first hand this great open source Blockchain that enables anyone to create (or curate) good content. We live in exiting times indeed.

I didn’t want to make this intro long, so all that I can say is that I wish you guys all the success that you can get.

Thank you Steem Team! And hello everyone!


Great to see my facebook friends migrating over here :) Welcome!

Thanks Gabriel! :)

I would recommend not to use such a huge font next time. It's just not that pleasant to read it.

Thank you for the tip, I will make sure I'll make it smaller next time

Welcome! Glad to see you here!

Welcome, Alien! Your comedy show sounds like a winner; best wishes with that project!

Thank you Kenny! I will share more about that sometime soon, meanwhile I hope to entertain you guys with some humorous political comedy :)

does sound like it could be a great one if written & executed well. keep on with it & good luck... :-)

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