Hello World!

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

‘Hello, World!’ is probably the best known test message ever. I have started to use it with my first programming steps over a decade ago, but very soon it became a part of all my introductions. So, let the journey begin.

source: 1) Hello World! 2) C Programming Language

This is my first contribution to Steemit, but not the first contact. I have already read many writings from here and followed some travel blogs. I like almost all of that posts, I like the concept of the platform but I also like my offline life. So, I resisted for some time until life made me choose – blue pill or red pill. Or smashed paper. :)

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." - Morpheus (Matrix, 1999)

The red pill has never been an easy way, although after a while can be very fruitful. It was my choice of creativity over destruction.
Even when I was opening the account still was not sure about this idea, but later on I could not wait for everything to be set and post my first ever made gif (Thank you Steemit!). Hope you like it at least half as much as I enjoyed making.

That is all for now, Folks!



Спасибо большое! :)

УДачи )

Hi tellurian

Hello @tellurian welcome to steemit

welcome to steemit man, matrix was good..

Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks bro!

Hey @tellurian. Welcome to Steemit and good luck!!!

Zdravo Telurijanče! Po imenu bi' rekao da si neki vilenjak i da se družiš sa Galadrijelom. :)
Dobro došla na steemit, uživaj i ako želiš pridruži se na diskord kanalu tima Srbije. https://discord.gg/SZew9S

Hvala Svemirče! Odakle znaš Galadrijelu?! Baš se sinoć zapismo kod Starog potoka.
A vidimo se na diskordu, samo još da skontam šta je to. :D


Welcome to Steemit! Your post looks very fun. Hope we can learn from each other!

Thanks a lot! See you around.

Dobro došli na steemit.

Hvala Tanja! Drago mi je da smo tu.

Welcome to Steemit tellurian. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

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