New account introduce my name @syahrulramadhan

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)



Hai teman, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri di sini
Nama saya Syahrul Ramadhan, umur saya 20 tahun, saya berasal dari INDONESIA,
hobi saya menggambar atau melukis, saya dapat mencurahkan isi hati saya untuk lukisan saya, karena pelukis yang ada di steemit ini seperti @kaylinart dan @opheliafu membantu mengispirasikan saya menjadi seorang pelukis.
dan saya bergabung di steemit ini berkat bantuan teman saya dia @putrakhan
@vogard04 @neobarrack saya di sarankan untuk bergabung disini dan mencoba bergabung di steemit
awal nya saya hanya seorang pelajar biasa yang beraktifitas biasa seperti anak lain nya
namun saya sering mengikuti dan bergabung bersama mereka
dan dari situlah saya mencoba steemit dan berjuang di steemit
kali ini izinkan saya bergabung disini dan saya juga meminta dukungan yang telah lama berada disini dan setia di komunitas steemit ini salam dari saya @syahrulramadhan


Hi friends, allow me to introduce myself here
My name is Syahrul Ramadhan, I am 20 years old, I come from INDONESIA,
My hobby is drawing or painting, I can pour out my heart to my paintings, because the painter in this steemit like @kaylinart and @opheliafu helped inspire me to be a painter.
And I joined in this steemit thanks to the help of my friend he @putrakhan
@Vogard04 @neobarrack I was recommended to join here and try to join in steemit
In the beginning I was just an ordinary student who had an ordinary activity like her other child
But I often follow and join them
And that's where I try steemit and fight in steemit
This time let me join here and I also ask for support who has been here long and faithful in this steemit community greetings from me @syahrulramadhan


Alasan mengapa saya suka melukis karena melukis membuat saya nyaman, saya ingin menjadi seorang pelukis mahir dan professional, karena di fikiran saya, saya ingin membantu keluarga saya. semoga dengan niat dan semangat saya ini saya akan menjadi  seorang pelukis handal. Jiwa pelukis saya sangat besar, semua orang bisa melukis seperti saya tapi untuk menjadi seorang pelukis bukan hal yang mudah, seorang idola saya adalah Leonardo da Vinci lukisan nya sangat eksotik dan memberi banyak arti. mudah mudahan di komunitas steemit ini saya bisa berbagi postingan tentang lukisan disini, saya harap dengan bergabung disini bisa membantu saya untuk menjadi seorang pelukis professional
yang di banggakan oleh orang banyak namun saya ingin mencoba memulai nya
di steemit ini semoga hasil-hasil karya saya disini
bisa mendapatkan perhatian yang membanggakan
terutama keluarga saya dan teman-teman saya
saya mohon saran dan kritikan anda
suara anda sangat berarti untuk mengoreksi diri saya
menjadi yang terbaik dan berpengalaman
semoga saya bisa sukses dan nyaman di stemit
saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih atas perhatian anda.


The reason why I like to paint because painting makes me comfortable, I want to be a proficient and professional painters, because in my mind I want to help my family. Hopefully with my intentions and spirit I will become a great painter. My painter's soul is very big, everybody can paint like me but to be a painter is not easy, my idol is Leonardo da Vinci his painting is very exotic and gives a lot of meaning. Hopefully in this steemit community I can share a post about painting here, I hope by joining here can help me to become a professional painter
Who is proud of the crowd but I want to try his start
In this steemit hopefully the results of my work here
Can get a proud attention
Especially my family and my friends
I beg your suggestion and criticism
Your voice is very meaningful to correct me
To be the best and experienced
Hopefully I can be successful and comfortable in stemit
I would like to thank you for your attention.

Give your friends support

@putrakhan @vogard04 @neobarrack @neoxian @patrice @papa-pepper @sweetsssj @demotruk
THANKS YOU ,FOLLOW ME @syahrulramadhan


Welcome to Steem Community @syahrulramadhan! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

Welcome to the community. I hope you find everything that you're looking for and it is great that you included an English version of your dialect. Keep dreaming and keep steemin

Thank you for supporting me
Give my post a value and up your vote a little for me friend @rest100

I voted bro

Nice to meet you @Syahrulramadhan ! Welcome to the steemit community ! Take care, @digital-gypsy

Thank you for supporting me
Give my post a value and up your vote a little for me friend @digital-gypsy

Welcome on Steemit :) !

I hope the best for you, really ! Don't forget, here we give only positives vibes :)

Try to create your own way. But don't forget, don't think only about earning something... We're here for the fun, to make new mates over the world, to talk and share about our experiences ! :)

I always follow back and vote :)

See you soon ! @benou

Thank you for supporting me
Give my post a value and up your vote a little for me friend @benou

Welcome to the steemit

welome to steemit world friends
if you have time come check my blog @steemisupport

Hello @syahrulramadhan. Welcome to Steemit. I am David. I wish you have a happy journey here.

Hi!!Nice to meet you and glad to see more people like you in this comunity Steemit! Becoming a steaminion is a great adventure, a good idea and a good hobby! Here you can win money while bloging and writing stories from your life! The start it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write cool stories and everything will be verry good. Wish all the best! Seya!
With love, @dianamihaela!

hello friend Thank you for supporting me
Give my post a value and up your vote a little for me friend @dianamihaela

Follow me pls

Hello! Welcome to the Steemit Community!

Welcome to Steemit friend! Hope you enjoy the community here! Looking foward to see some of your paitings! Followed! :D

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