Let me introduce myself and join this steemit community


Hi, Friends Steemit ....

Hi Everybody, I am Suhaib Ashraf, a 17 years internet pioneer, searcher, explorer of new opportunities, investor and trader belonging to India. I found Steemit accidentally, since then finding it very interesting and promising initiative.

Internet is growing at a very fast pace. Every month, new companies are launching and providing lot of opportunities to us internet savvy. I explore new opportunities and try to take as much benefit as I can. I came to know cryptocurrency few years back at that time bitcoin and Litecoin were the top cryptocurrencies. Now Ethereum has jumped in with a bang and placed in second position in cryptocurrencies. With the introduction of new cryptocurrencies, more opportunities are opened up like many people are using Ethereum for what they cannot use bitcoin or Litecoin or any other currency. I see a big future for cryptocurrencies and for us.

Besides cryptocurrencies, I also invest in stocks, index, forex and cryptocurrencies. I believe that if opportunity is missing in one asset then it must be lying in another asset. That is the benefit of diversified portfolio. And if people are determined in making money they will earn it one way or the other.

In my posts, you will find earning money or saving money opportunities provided by the Internet. Investing tips and tricks, Analysis, news and other useful things. So follow me @suhaibashraf155.

Thanks for reading this post. Let’s make Steemit great together.

I joined steemit two days ago.. This app is a very valuable app for youth and steemit chat community votesplus is the most powerful aid for people who join steemit ... Let us share the same gratitude to steemit chat votesplus ... Hopefully community votesplus can always help us all .... Thank you. I ask for support to all friends. ...! download (4).jpg


Welcome to Steemit Community@suhaibashraf155. Hopefully comfortable and well received in this community. Always accept constructive suggestions and criticisms. Hope to continue sharing with all of Steemian around the world. Good luck.

Selamat datang. Semoga nyaman dan diterima dengan baik dalam komunitas ini. Selalu terima saran dan kritik yang bersifat membangun dan memberi solusi.Semoga terus bisa berbagi dengan seluruh teman Steemian di seluruh dunia. Semoga sukses.


Hii @suhaiSuccses
Nice To meet You
introduce my name @adeba
I come from #aceh #indonesia
Welcome to #steemit for those of you who want to succeed here, I also want the same thing.
I am also new here #eSteem Still Many Learn from The seniors.
Nice to meet you all !!
Please follow and Upvote My account @adeba
Saleum Serta Meubahagia
Trimong Geunaseh - Thank you very much everything

Ok thanks
Nice to meet you
Please follow me i will follow you

Wow 17 years old and already investing. Miles and miles ahead of where I was!! Good luck with everything, and welcome to the community!!

Welcome to Steemit friend, I'm glad you are here @suhaibashraf155, if you have any questions, feel free to ask here: https://steemit.chat/channel/general

I'm following you, you may follow back if you like 🙂

Feel free to have a look at my vonation (donate with the help of your vote) post, if you like to.



You made a great choice for choosing Steemit. Welcome to us!

Welcome to Steemit! You will rock here! Followed. Follow me back 😘



Wish you best of luck

Follow me For latest Updates About Steemit and Tips

Thank You @sitara12511

Nice iniciative,

Welcome to Steemit young trader! i wish success in your journey not only here, but on your life,will be following you.

A new Steemian :-) hello @suhaibashraf155 I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

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