Baseball Videos: Introducing my 4-year-old son Action Jackson :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

My son is 4 year's old now, man how the time flies. I remember before he was 2, saying to myself, If I can just make it to 2 years old I will finally get some sleep. I know new parents right, so naive... You never get to sleep again silly rabbit. Even when he is grown I'll be worried about him, the worries will just vary, but they aren't going anywhere. Especially in this day and age when everything seems to be pretty F*cked for our future generations.


I remember the day we found out we were pregnant, I was so happy. I didn't care what we were having as long as it was healthy. Part of me though of course wanted the chance to raise a son and teach him how to be a good man that takes care of people and has a big heart (you know like his dad). :)


We had a huge baby shower, it was more like a wedding shower in the American culture. My wife is Cape Verdean (what's that you say... I will provide some details on that shortly) and in her culture, it is a big gathering that you rent out a Hall for and invite everyone you ever met (I kid, but a lot of people) and there is a ton of food and dancing with a DJ
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As I said before my wife is Cape Verdean... It's a group of small islands off the coast of Africa. The easiest way to find it is to follow a beautiful woman until there is a gathering of them and they all say at once "Bon Dia Maye" (Good morning mother). After hearing that, take a look around at all of the beautiful woman and know you are in Cape Verde or Cabo Verde and proceed to thank our almighty father. :)


Jackson is an amazing kid that is full of life, laughter, kindness, curiosity, imagination and a King sized sense of entitlement (I kid, he is pretty headstrong for a 4-year-old though).

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He has so much energy and wants to use it to test his physical abilities every chance he gets... this results in a lot of jumping...
Proof is more than available.

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He is so smart and funny, but what really blows me away is his love for sports and the talent he already possesses. He loves Football, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, and Hockey. My wife jokes and says it is all my fault, that I love sports so much that it has become part of our DNA. Right now Baseball is his passion and we have been working hard, so I thought I would share.
Please enjoy some of his hitting and fielding drills.
Disclaimer: No Jackson's were forced to partake in these drills, they are requested by him an I love to watch him do soemthing he loves to do... Without further ado... ACTION JACKSON!




Starsteem Out




Lovely kid.... Best wishes to u and ur family!!!!!

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