My One Month Experience On Steemit. Advices From Sophia For More Success.

If You Are Reading This Probably You Are New Member Of Steemit. Don’t Be Lazy, Read My Article And Get More Success In Your Affair.


First Of All, We All Had This Experience. You Are Trying So Hard To Write A Great Article But No One Upvotes You, You Don’t Have Many Followers And You Are Thinking About Giving Up On Steemit.

No! Don’t Do This My Friend. Why? Because We All Were In This Situation And I Know How Are You Feeling. But I Promise If You Continue Writing High Quality Articles Soon Many Steemians Will Know Your Name.

In My Case, When I First Started Work Here, I Though That Everything Would Be Easy. But Now I Have Experience And I Know That Nothing Comes From Laziness. You Need To Work Hard, Need To Patient And Positive. You Need To Love What Are You Doing And That’s The Key Of Success.


When I Really Started To Work, I Was Completely Involved In. Was Thinking About New Ideas, What Our Community Should Like, What Are Their Interests. And Slowly, Very Slowly Started To Mend.

Try To Write High Quality Articles, Write Your Opinions About Everything. Don’t Copy Information From Internet Because We Need Your Mind And Opinions. Be Patient And Try To Find New People, Get New Friends, Comment On Their Articles. Try To Be Fair And Objective. Always Be Honest To The Community. We Don't Need Lies And Fake Information.

If You Want To Become Successful Steemian You Need Stamina. But Remember, Soon You Will Be Recognized And More Confident Than You Were Before.

Remember, When We Can Help Each Other, We Can Grow Our Community And Become Bigger And More Successfully Persons.

If You Have Some Questions, Comment Down Below And I Will Help You!
If You Think That This Information Was Useful For You Upvote.
Best Wishes, @ssophiee


We are both new!! Yay!

followed you! :)

Thank you for the inspiration and keeping my motivation up, you article was great to read

I'll try and bring new inserting videos to this community

You're Welcome! I Followed You!

Thank you very much 😀 I follow you 😀

Follow You Too :)

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