From Plants to the Bill of Rights: A Steemit Introduction

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemsters! (i am brand new don't know if that's a thing ;)

We live in the most interesting time to be alive in all of Human history. The rate at which humanity moves forward is astounding but sometimes the lessons of history are forgotten. This moves me to produce content that I find is invaluable in these times, a reminder that one man can make a difference, even if my story only touches one other soul. I am new to video content creation but I am no stranger to speaking my mind, even when the subjects can be occasionally difficult to stomach. I will not proclaim I am a truther, a citizen journalist, an investigator, or a farmer, I am a man with concerns and passions, some so moving I am compelled to come out of my introverted shell and share my opinion with the world.

One of my passions is Aquaponics. Aquaponics is a form of food production that marries two food production methods, Hydroponics (production of plants in water) and Aquaculture (fish farming). This form of agriculture has ties in ancient Egypt but has since had a huge resurgence in interest.

Beside aspiring to be a new-age farmer I am also very interested in Civil Rights and Liberties and have found it very important to speak my mind when it comes to the perversion and outright stripping of our inalienable Constitutional rights.

I look forward to becoming part of this diverse and interesting community and I hope you enjoy my content.

--Be the change you wish to see in the world-- Gandhi


Hi, Welcome to Steemit, I'm looking forward to reading what else you have to say :)

Hi there @karenb54 Thanks for checking out my little corner! I am working on new content now!

Great keep it coming :)

following, I would love to learn more about Aquaponics thanks for sharing. Welcome, I'm new to Steemit as well.

I plan to do MANY more aquaponics videos. I would love to answer question if you have any.

you should do up a welcome to steemit introduction... rocz, welcome & hi & welcome :)

C U on the BlockChain ;)

Hello and welcome, interesting introduction :-)

I like your aquaponics :-) Welcome on steemit.

...and we are also happy to see you on Steemit @socore ! Nice introduction!

Thanks so much, I am working on another Aquaponics video, this one describing the different methods and techniques and how I plan to scale up production in my little apartment homestead :)

Aquaponics - brilliant. We were looking at ducks. We're still pondering it. Followed. Welcome!

You know that is one amazing method of aquaponics that can be used on large or small scale. You could even use a natural pond stocked with fish, and ducks :) and use that water as a nutrient base.

They are just the most amazing systems. To really get something out of it, we'd need more land. Space is our problem. But it doesn't stop us dreaming.

One method that I hope to capitalize on is vertical farming which is actually not difficult to implement in an aquaponics system

We were looking at that, too! lol That looks awesome. We're training some of the fruit and veggies up the fence in an effort to expand growing space that way....vertical gardening is very cool (or I hope it will be).

I am building a massive organic farm.. I have over 1000 varieties of seeds. Aquaponics and Aeroponics are next for me.. Been doing organic for 7 years. Great to meet you.. Followed and upvoted with all my power.

Welcome to steemit @socore =) I must say that I recognize myself in some of your words. And the quote from Gandhi that you posted is also very important to me, as well as to the world ! Upvoted and Followed to read more of your posting. Best wishes !

That singular quote from Gandhi has done more to shape my life than anything. I look forward to producing more content and I appreciate the kind words!

it is one of the really good news.

Hey not seen you in ages, I been busy; hope u r travelling smart !!! ;)

hugz/ :)

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