I think I am doing it right this time.hobyist artist. pastry chef as a professional.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

That is not a horn on my forehead its something I am removing at 22 july.. so no I am not a UNICORN

and the pose is rediculous but I am a social awkward kind a fellow so I don't mind uploaded for the fun of it.

I though I didn't fit the portrait. so that's why the bending.

sorry for the bad sketches those are like 1 minute of doodling around (I hate unexploited paper).


Hello world!

I am a 37 year old guy from Greece.

 since kid I like to test and experiment with my skills whenever I get the chance to do so.

I was working as a professional artist through the ages of 16-19 but then reality checked in and I had to get a "real" job with some "real" income for the "real" world needs of a human.

Never the less I never completed abandon arts as a mean of expression and after the harsh Greek austerity and being unemployed for a long period of time I have more free time that I would ever wished for.

I do traditional oil painting,restorations,acrylics,sand sculpting if I get to be on a proper sand beach.

I also love photography,mostly inspired by Greek islands during the summer 

here is my Facebook page where you can see some of my projects mostly unfinished ones sadly,but that is what you get for being an art hobbyist  in Greece.

I hope I will get my motivation to finish some stuff to show off from this blog.I found out about steemit and it seems like a great idea on the making.I love being a part of it.

I am trying out lately the digital approach with a cheap tablet the Trust-tb3700.

its a bad digitizer so the quality of my work won't be top notch.

English is not my native language. so excuse my mistakes.


Glad to have you around!

Glad to see you all guys. I am starting to getting used to this blogging thing,I did a lot of editing the last couple of days to get it right..Finally I did.

Looks good to me!



Welcome! Nice painting!
I think the downvotes you are getting on Imgur are because you posted your image to be public, so people are getting it on their feed and don't understand what's the matter about you standing there and holding that paper. Next time please upload to imgur as a private image. We will still see it because the information needed to reach it is encoded in the link.

yeah I am a bit noob with all that! my apologies.

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