Introduce my self

Hai sahabat steemians semua, apa kabar? Semoga semuanya dalam keadaan baik. Pada kesempatan ini, aku ingin memperkenalkan diri supaya saling kenal dan saling mendukung di dalam steemit ini.


Nama saya silvi eka handayani, lahir di bekasi dan umur saya sudah 26 tahun, bekerja disalah satu rumah sakit dibekasi, saya mendapat informasi steemit ini dari abang yang kebetulan juga sudah lama aktif di wadah ini.

Saya menjadi tertarik setelah mendengar tata cara dan manfaat mengunakan media sosial ini, karena selain dapat mengasah potensi dalam berkarya, juga dapat menfaatkan media sosial ada posisi yang bermanfaat dan tidak membuang waktu pada hal yang tidak terlalu penting.

Harapan, kepada temen-temen yang sudah duluan aktif dan memiliki banyak informasi supaya sering sama sama berbagi dan mendukung dalam setiap posting kedepan ini. Terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada semua temen-temen.


Welcome nice to have you here , maybe you are lucky to be joining when steem is at a really low price . When price is low less people are posting and you have a better chance to earn steem . I highly recommend you post a lot and keep on posting . Till you get to at least 15 Steem Power. Don’t give up . I don’t recommend you buy Steem Power but I do recommend you post often till you get to 15 Steem Power. If you can not post go ahead and make sure to vote at least 6 times when you wake up and 4 times when you are going to bed. Don’t forget to get all your friends to do the same! I repeat I would never tell someone to buy 15 steem but honestly for 95% of the people here will only get to 15 if the buy them ! It’s up to you Good Luck with the choice you make

Keep smiling friend and welcome to steemit! I am @ichie1 and I’ll love to see your progress and success here.

Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let's not be afraid to receive each day's surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.

Henri Nouwen

Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.

Joseph Parry

The link below is steemit frequent asked questions’ page, it may help answer some of your questions as young member to steemit;

Let’s heal our world with genuine love and acceptance for one another.

Warm welcome from me and all steemit community. Nice intro and Happy to meet you Keep on working hard. our support is always with you. Best of luck for future.

Really liked your content do follow @bloggyspot for more support and love.. Welcome to #SteemitFamily.
You can also join @Steemitunity to join #SteemitCommunitySupport.
❤️love ❤️love.

Welcome to steemit.Follow most of the steemit community on Instagram or search for name "".Have a great day ahead.

Welcome to Steem, @silviaeka!

I am a bot coded by the SteemPlus team to help you make the best of your experience on the Steem Blockchain!
SteemPlus is a Chrome, Opera and Firefox extension that adds tons of features on Steemit.
It helps you see the real value of your account, who mentionned you, the value of the votes received, a filtered and sorted feed and much more! All of this in a fast and secure way.
To see why 3194 Steemians use SteemPlus, install our extension, read the documentation or the latest release : SteemPlus 2.19 : Updated Boost Button - Collaboration announcement - Earn more with SteemPlus points.

Welcome to Steem! Partiko is a fast and beautiful mobile app for Steem and we upvote our users to help them grow! Please feel free to download the Android app here and the iOS app here.

To get more upvotes, please join our Discord server here:

salam kenal gue juga baru nih di steemit grow bareng yuk!!

You are welcome to steem community

Hi Silvi,

This is a lovely introductory post, Thank you for taking the time to write the post and say hello to the community!

I am here to help!

I would encourage you to keep posting and comment on others users content to help make a name for yourself and to get the most out of the platform!

Feel free to comment on my content and I'll up vote your comments! Drop me a follow so you can comment a lot and get a lot of my upvotes!

I have upvoted your post!

Luppers :)

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BTC 60122.55
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SBD 2.43