Why did i Leave my Work for Steemit ? ( ENG/IND )


Hi Fellow Steemian

My name is Depa I am 26 years old I live in Indonesia, I was in one city in Aceh named city langsa, I work in public hospital located in city langsa. My hobbies are playing games (I really like playing ha ha ... ha ..) and watching movies, I graduated from D3 of computer engineering at LP3I campus located in langsa city. I have a little story about my life before I know what steemit is.

I will tell you that I worked in a public hospital in the city of langsa in 2015, when I got my job, I was recommended by my brother to work at the hospital as a computer technician, I was very happy at first working there in because in the city where I live very difficult to find a job. Although with a little salary I work with sincerity and with a smile even though hard and happy I still live it sincerely for 2 years. I say to myself "do you want to live like this continuously without any progress ???", and at that same time I began to feel bored with my work in because over time my work in that place is not appreciated in my workplace. I keep thinking and I can not keep on living like this, of course I have to change my mindset, and at that moment I was suggested by my friend to join in steemit, my friend who had already entered into steemit named @visky thank to you my best friend.

What is Steemit ????, I keep looking for steemit and over time I am interested in because steemit will become a medium of information that will be known throughout the world, steemit introduces to us in various ways that is with life experience, science, information in various unknown worlds we get from steemians (thanks for all of us). of course that I really like in steemit is to get friends from all over the world, it will be very nice. And in this way also I think better with me being a writer and by writing also I will be appreciated by people with my work, of course it becomes added value in steemit. Here is my way of life I may be learning in the future "Keep fighting even though such great trials will come to us, certainly I am very grateful to the steemit and the steemians who have allowed me to join in steemit. . here's my little story of life, greetings to the steemians, I hope to meet with great writers here to share experiences, and other goals I want to bring in a lot of followers, and with a fee that is also in accordance with the quality of content that I make,for my next post, I will make a review about the android games or PC games from my Smartphone or my Laptop.

in my steemit as @sharmlock follow me if you like hehe. good day and keep be future steemit


Hi Fellow Steemian

nama saya Depa umur saya 26 tahun saya tinggal di negara indonesia, saya berada di salah satu kota di Aceh yang bernama kota langsa, saya bekerja di rumah sakit umum yang berada di kota langsa. hobi saya bermain game ( saya sangat suka bermain game ha..ha..) dan menonton film, saya lulusan D3 teknik komputer di kampus LP3I yang berada di kota langsa. saya punya sedikit cerita tentang hidup saya sebelum saya mengenal apa itu steemit.

Saya akan bercerita dari saya bekerja di Rumah sakit umum yang berada di kota langsa pada tahun 2015, awal saya mendapatkan pekerjaan saya, saya di rekomendasikan oleh saudara saya untuk bekerja di rumah sakit tersebut sebagai tenaga teknisi komputer, awalnya saya sangat senang dengan bekerja di sana di karenakan di kota tempat saya tinggal sangat sulit mencari pekerjaan. Walaupun dengan gaji yang sedikit saya bekerja dengan ikhlas dan dengan senyuman walau susah dan senang saya tetap menjalaninya dengan ikhlas selama 2 tahun. saya berkata kepada diri saya sendiri "apa kamu ingin hidup seperti ini terus menerus tanpa ada kemajuan???", dan di saat itu pula saya mulai merasa bosan dengan pekerjaan saya di karenakan lama kelamaan pekerjaan saya di tempat itu tidak di hargai di tempat kerja saya tersebut. Saya terus berpikir dan saya tidak boleh terus menerus hidup seperti ini, tentu saya harus merubah pola pikir saya,dan di saat itu pula saya di sarankan oleh teman saya untuk bergabung di steemit, teman saya yang sudah lebih dulu masuk ke steemit yang bernama @visky terima kasih sebelumnya sahabat ku.

Apa itu Steemit????,saya terus mencari tau tentang steemit dan lama kelamaan saya tertarik di karenakan steemit bakal menjadi media informasi yang akan di kenal di seluruh dunia,steemit memperkenalkan kepada kita dengan berbagai cara yaitu dengan pengalaman hidup, ilmu pengetahuan,informasi di berbagai dunia yang tidak kita ketahui sebelumnya yang kita dapat dari para steemian. tentu yang sangat saya sukai di steemit adalah bisa mendapat teman dari seluruh dunia, akan sangat menyenangkan. Dan dengan cara ini pula saya berpikir lebih baik lagi dengan  saya menjadi seorang penulis dan dengan menulis pula saya akan di hargai oleh orang – orang dengan hasil karya saya, tentu itu menjadi nilai tambah di steemit.

Inilah saya inilah jalan hidup saya mungkin bisa menjadi pembelajaran di kemudian hari “tetap berjuang walau cobaan yang begitu besar akan datang kepada kita, tentu saya sangat berterima kasih kepada steemit dan para steemian yang telah mengizinkan saya untuk bergabung di steemit. inilah sedikit cerita hidup saya, salam kenal kepada para steemian,saya berharap bisa berjumpa dengan penulis hebat di sini untuk berbagi pengalaman, dan tujuan lainnya saya ingin mendatangkan pengikut yang banyak, dan dengan bayaran yang sesuai pula dengan kualitas konten yang saya buat,untuk postingan saya kedepannya,saya akan membuat sebuah review mengenai game android ataupun game PC yang saya miliki dari Smartphone saya ataupun Laptop saya.

in my steemit as @sharmlock follow me if you like hehe. good day and keep be future steemit


Welcome to steemit @sharmlock upvote :)

thank you for your attention, I am very glad to be acquainted with all stemian

Hi @sharmlock I just recently join Steemit as well and i'd like to say that you made the right choice, Steemit is the best place to share and learn as well.
Keep it up and Enjoy!

thank you for your support I really appreciate any opinions you give, thanks once again @funtraveller succes for u

I do agree about that, although there are also a lot of contents that is just posted for the sake of having a content. Still, my hopes are high for this site.

yes you are right, but we have to keep the spirit in doing something, thank you guys

No worries! Thanks too!

Selamat datang di alam liar Steemit, hahaha

terima kasih, hidup memang liar,hahaha
terima kasih sebelumnya, sukse buat anda

Welcome to steemit sharmlock I wish you success and a fun time here.

thank you, would be very happy if I am given high vote hahahaha, thank you my friends, succes for u too

selamat datang di steemit @sharmlock ^_^

terima kasih @jodipamukas sukses terus buat anda ^_^

Welcome :)!


Here a few tips for starters snce you probably won't get any advice from those who comment under here, here's what I gathered thus far.
It's tough to make money at first so if that's your main cause to be on here grind that into your head straight away, that doesn't mean you shouldn't post content, you should, but enganging with others in the comment sections to grow your following is your best bet. Which categories?

Probably the introduce yourself one and the photography section but you can choose things that you have knowledge about too and then go from there just know that there is a lot of crap on here so plowing through that just to connect with others can be tough. Cheers.

Good luck in fulfilling your goal man :D Happy to see such a genuine people around here, welcome!

thanks buddy, high five for u

thanks for the advice given, i really appreciate it, thank you once again

I'm also new to Steemit, but will it be worth it to leave your work just for Steemit? I think that will be risk. Isn't it?

yes it may be risky, but of course every choice also there must be a certain risk we face, thanks for the attention that you give I really appreciate it

Welcome to steemit @sharmlock I look forward to your next post and game reviews.. hope you get to have fun here

thanks friends, true gamers always share tips for other gamers
always successful for you

selamat datang di steemit @sharmlock

Welcome brother.

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