My Introduction Post


Hello everyone, I am Josephine Siari Tony. I hail from the South Eastern part of Nigeria. I am a wife, a mother, a poet, a writer, a fine artist and a singer. Now why am I saying all of these? So you know that I'm multifaceted or I have diverse interests and so won't be surprised to see me functioning in these capacities.
Another side of my personality is that I am also a preacher of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. So you see, I am well loaded...... Hahaha.
As a mother, I am very busy tending to this one bustling with immense energy, I can hardly keep up. She is Mirabel, My World, My Treasure, My Lollipop and My much more.
How did I know about Steemit? Someone had told me about it many years ago but I didn't take it seriously, until recently, when I was browsing online and it popped up again. It was super easy registering but a lot of things still had me confused. So for the past two months, I have been trying to study the happenings around here and though I know I can learn very fast, I'm still trying to navigate my way around, so pardon me if I make many mistakes.
Why did I choose Steemit? If it's been on for these number of years, then it's no fraud. I've lost some good amount of money in some shams parading themselves as investment programmes and I have had it up to here. I know this platform is not a get rich quick thingy but I'm here to make some dough, I would be very frank with you and also to try and express myself in all the ways I possibly can.
It's been tough without a job and with only hubby shouldering the responsibilities. Yes I am educated, and yes I do have a certificate but no, I have not gotten a job, not that I have not been seeking for one. The economic downturn in my country has led me to this platform and I hope to give it my best shot by God's special Grace.

Thank you all for accommodating me here.



Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 65160.59
ETH 3545.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43