Hi, I'm Serena, a singer, a wealth manager and now a student. I know nothing about cryptocurrency, but I'm here to enjoy it.steemCreated with Sketch.

Hello steemians, I'm Serena. After spending a day on the site and with some help from my friends, I finally get to the stage to write my post. You wouldn't know how hard this would be to me. Hope the community could be more friendly than the technology:)

Now I think the next thing I should do is an introduction, so here I am.

At the moment, I'm a Finance student waiting to start in 2018 in UK. But 6 years ago, I was a singer, or more accurately, soprano. I didn't follow the regular path into the university, but instead I was trained with vocal performance from child. I did enjoy it though, as well as piano and violin. But I would prefer a boy to play violin. It is just handsome!

Then as expected, I finished my undergraduate in Conservatory of Music in China, and became a singer and a music teacher. Within a year or so, I started to realize the unchanging life was not I wanted initially. Then I made the biggest decision in my life. I switched to a job in the bank and began my career in the finance market. Surprisingly, I did the work really well and become a wealth manager 2 years later. But man should never stop learning, and from where I came from I would wish a better background for more achievement. So I quitted my job last year and now I'm in UK waiting for a new start again. Who knows what is coming after? And who knows I would know steem? :)

OK. So far you might think me like a girl who enjoys art, fashion and love stories. I would think so as well. But somehow I don't know where I got me wrong, I became a really rational person. I read Sherlock Holmes at about 10, and Star War is just my favorite movie! Oh maybe I would add Interstellar to this list as well. My most wanted present is BB-8 which is my dream if I can get a real one. After all, you see I'm not a person that far away from technology. And that may be why I ended up here.

So that is all for my introduction today. I'm looking to do more videos with singing or playing later. But I haven't decided which song to pick up yet. I need to do more research to find out your favorite:)

If you are interested, give me a follow or thumbs up! @Serenazz (Oh! I finally get how to add this link)
See you next time~




Welcome to the community
So glad to have you here. Your writing here was so refreshing and inspiring. I really look forward to seeing your future posts.

I also seek to...

"reach the hearts of people with a positive gesture"
That's always my focus with every post. It seems to work well as people on here want the real stuff!

I'm wishing you the best and want to affirm what you said. Just start! Write write write!

You can join me at @mo7a

Glad you like it:)

Welcome to steemit !!
I hope you enjoy finding common issues with people and learning new things.
If you like art, you can follow my blog @celinalage.art and even give me upvote ...


welcome! you'll love it here and your contribution will be great for the community

Welcome to Steemit @serenazz... Namaste.

thank you Namsate!

Love and peace and happiness to all... Thank you.

Hi Serena! Welcome to the community :) I am new also and know little of cryptocurrency haha. Looking forward to reading your content. Lovely first post!

Thanks Jeremyc! Glad you like it. I'm trying my best with english as well :)

Welcome to @steemit, Inspire and be inspired,

stay blessed...

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