Introducing an Advocate

I've been on Steemit for a few weeks now. I love the community here. I can just feel so much positive energy from everyone I have interacted with. I recently realized that I did not properly introduce myself. My name Is Chad Shavers. I am an Installer for a small town company on the rise named Southeastern Door and Window. IMG_0432.JPGIMG_1144.JPG
I'm a self proclaimed jack of all trades. I wake up every day believing I can do anything. " Limits only exist in the mind" I often say to friends and family. Of which I can only say great things. I'm married to best friend.IMG_0118.JPGIMG_0039.JPG
Together we have five awesome children who make everyday an adventure. We love children in general playing a motivational role in the lives of many in addition to ours.IMG_0012.JPG
Words can't explain the happiness they bring into my life. We have both a high school graduate and a high school drop out. Both of which have jobs in growing industries. IMG_0098.JPGIMG_0094.JPG
Our beautiful twin girls are our angel babies. They fought so hard to be with us. IMG_0093.JPG
And then we have the youngest boy. IMG_2187.JPGIMG_2189.JPG
We all work as a team to make the best out of the time we've been given together. My wife does not work in the normal understanding. She is full time wife and mother. Our special child has comes with special set of responsibilities. This leaves me to carry the torch in perspective to finance. Over the years I wasted a lot of time trying to rise to the top at each establishment that I worked. Always leaving me wanting more. Even now I'm at a pivotal time in my career. I'm naturally good at practically anything I put effort into so I move swiftly through the ranks until I reach the wall. A wall that I have encountered many times. My ambitions are too big for walls so I always adapt and overcome. Often resulting in a total career change. I started to dabble a bit in crypto currencies a few years ago which hasn't been lucrative but I'm learning. I found steemit and have posted a few times on motivational topics hoping to capture a crowd. I'm an INFJ. Trying to spread my ideals of peace and unity in a world full of opposition. I don't get a lot of time to blog with my daily task set but I'm hoping to find more time. I think that if I can inspire just one person a day then I am making an impact. Thank you for your comments and motivational words!
Happy steeming!


Welcome! Hope you like steemit!

Welcome aboard! Follow me at

Hello @scarecrow871808 Steem is beautiful. Great introduction and your high energy and positive outlook makes you a perfect fit for steem. Upvoted and resteemed, followed you.

Welcome to Steemit! We're happy you could join us.
Hope this Quick Start Guide will help you:

Great intro. What a lovely family. Welcome.

welcome to steemit.

Welcome here for your ringer. Followed Upvoted.

I really like your introductory post. You sound like a strong and positive person. Thanks for sharing. Keep on steeming on!!!

Welcome to Steem Chad. What a handsome family, such a blessing. We hope you enjoy Steem.

Warm welcome to the steemians World !
welcome with thums up.png

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