My life as a travelling time-lapse film-maker - how did I make this happen & why is Steemit such a big part of this?

You may ask how it is that I am able to endlessly travel the world?
It is my intention to answer this question for you now...

Here you can see the kit I travel with on my back

I'm not suggesting you watch this whole film below (though I am sure if you have time you will enjoy the whole series!) but just from the first few minutes you will understand my story and why I now live the way I do...travelling the world in search of truth & beauty.

Since leaving the UK I have lived in four countries, always shooting time-lapse as I go:

Here is a compilation of time-lapse & hyper-lapse shots I made in Barcelona. Cut to the sound of a hang drum.
This film (which took me a month to make) has earned me $1 on Youtube (half of which goes to them!)

...but it has led me to paid jobs which require time-lapse:

And now that I have a decent show-reel, work is easy to find anywhere in the world.

I achieved this not by thinking about how much money I could make from shooting time-lapse, but by simply following my instincts and always taking time out to do the thing that I enjoyed most in life. Joy first, money later. If you love something enough, you will always become a master of it in time... and then you can charge for your skills.

And now that we are living in this exciting time of cryptocurrency
there is a beautiful new revenue stream available to us all!
In the last two days I have earned more here on Steemit
than I have after an entire year of uploading Youtube films.
Steemit is so obviously the FUTURE!


Today my friend I am going no-where (physically!). I have much work that needs to be done here in my Bali office. Today I am making the next chapter of my Natural Vision Correction series. Currently helping 30 people fix their eyesight :)

Joy first, money later is a good philosophy. I'm glad you have the chance to do something you love. Being able to travel around, see the world, doing it anywhere you like... what an exciting lifestyle. Your videos are gorgeous, and it's great that Steemit is giving you a better way to share your work with the world!

Thank you my friend. Yes, I am feeling this Steem power changing the way I look at monetising my skills and I LOVE IT! Hope to see you on my travels :)

Hey Sam, I like your work. Particularly the snails rushing about the garden in the first movie and the waterfall in your showreel. I spent a year on the road 2011/12 it was certainly one of the best things I did, but I found in the end that London still had a hold on me, so I'm back here and thriving. See you around the Steemitsphere :)

Thanks friend. Yeah, I was born in Hammersmith and after spending 35 years there, living in a total of ten different homes around the city, I was ready to move on. One day I will return perhaps but for now it is the open road for me. I hope you find your own open road agin. I am sure you will if you want it enough :)

Great post bro :) and beautiful moving time-lapse of Barcelona :)

Ah thanks bro. I only just got round to checking all the beautiful comments here. Luv you :) x

Wow! I love you!!!

Well thank you :) I love you too!!!!

Keep Having Fun!
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When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

This morning. I live on the edge of a jungle in Bali.

Sweeeeet!! Do you know Carrie Stiles?

I don't. But I just sent her an FB friend request assuming it's the Carrie Stiles who lives in Malibu? Is she here in Steemit too?

Doing what you love=happiness
LOL - Most excellent!!! Yeah...I have completely ditched Facebook because it doesn't serve me. Now I am putting all my artistic energy into [what I love] and Steemit!! <3 <3 Happy for you Joy=long life <3 <3 If you like, check out my modeling work - I posted a link in my last post. @BirdieWonder

Thanks. I will check that out now. I think FB could still be a useful tool in pushing people towards Steemit. So, I post here first then link to FB, always advising people to sign up while they are here. The more people we can attract into the world of steem, the higher the value of our cryptocurrency goes :)

I just upvoted & followed you. Enjoyed reading about your experience as a model. I also did a little modelling work a long time ago. 'Anything is possible if you only believe!' Great words my friend :)

Cool stuff! Looking forward to see more of it. I love timelapses :D

Thanks friend. Well, I have a shit-load of time-lapses after three years on the road with my kit :) So, more coming soon...

great post again and timelapse - enjoyed - more of Bali please- heading there next year :)

The Bali time-lapse film is still being shot but will eventually find it's way here. I still have to cut together the endless shots I did in the South of France last year!!! Not enough hours in the day :) I will be in Bali till May next year. Look me up if I'm still here when you arrive. Happy to help out with local knowledge etc...

thanks, hubby said should be there by then so will do :) want to see those amazing stars with OUT MY GLASSES!- following you on this one

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