Curious Rebel At Your Service - Introduction Post

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

Hey Steemers! My name is Herman Trakachenok and I'm 25 years old! I was born and raised in Latvia but currently, live in Denmark. My biggest passion is doing sports in any shape and form, solo or team, or just cool workouts. I enjoy making YouTube videos and playing guitar very...very loud. 

If I had to describe myself in 2 words, they would be - curious and rebel. 


(Uncle Google taught me what I needed to get and how to set up a slackline for free)

When I find something interesting, it's game over. Hours seem like minutes, days like hours, I get totally sucked into that particular thing. The downside is that every couple of months there is something more interesting. 

The rebel part in me, like most people, you tell me I can't do something, I'm definitely going to do either to prove you wrong or just because I can. For example, you tell me I have to graduate university and get a job like everybody else, I will drop out and live a life my way. And once again, the downside to that is that you have to figure it out on your own, there is no homework assignment, you don't get a diploma after 4 years and a possibility to find a secure 9 to 5 job.


(Graffiti made by volunteer artists at Roskilde Festival in Denmark) 

After graduating high school I wanted to become an engineer but quickly realized that I had wrong expectations and unless you are obsessed with it, you won't last long. Not because it is difficult... just time-consuming and boring, at least for me.

One of our teachers in university once said this - "Well... when you graduate and get a job, they will give you a stack of 500 pages. Calculate!"

As soon as he finished the sentence, I did some math. Multiplied 500 pages of misery by 40 years and came to a conclusion - fuck that!

(Every time I go to a festival I try to show people what it's all about. It's impossible, that's why there are extra vlogs haha)

I did not tell my parents for 2 years, they thought I was about to graduate. Lots and lots of drama as you can imagine. But it all worked out and now we are closer than we ever were.

The reason why I did not tell them is that I wanted to show them something in return before I drop the bomb. Show what? I was always interested how you can make money online. There are so many ways - forex, cryptocurrency, affiliate marketing, YouTube and so on. It was the bumpiest ride I have ever had in my life. I'm not going to say I lost money... I spent a lot of money to learn how to get better :D

Since I was not getting the results I wanted, I kept on delaying "THE TALK" until i couldn't lie anymore.

Fast forward to today and I think I figured out what I want to do for the next 5 years or so.

I want to travel like there is no tomorrow and make bank from anywhere in the world haha

(Lead singer of Banda Magda was kind enough to take a picture with me after delivering a phenomenal performance followed by a Snarky Puppy concert.)

How am I going to get to this lifestyle? 

I really like trading. Cryptocurrency or Forex it doesn't matter. There is something about it, can't really pinpoint what it is. As long as I have internet, I'm going to be alright.

(A moment before scoring a touchdown #14. The only sport that made me nervous the day before the game)

Also, I like the idea of being a leading learner. Meaning, I'm going to be sharing my journey, change of lifestyle, getting rid of bad habits and much more. 

I want the content to be practical and since I'm not an expert, I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. Hopefully, people who share the same path as I am can avoid my mistakes and get better together with me.

(Glam Metal/Scottish/Cowboy/Pharaoh. Freedom @ Woodstock Festival in Poland)

I just want to constantly improve. Not only that, I want to get uncomfortable. There is something about comfort... we are WAY too comfortable and it makes me feel like shit if i don't work on becoming a better version of myself.

(Getting uncomfortable. Tires filled with bricks. Walking barefoot on asphalt wasn't such a good idea to be honest)

I mean just a month ago me and my friend ran half a marathon with only 90 days of preparation. Keep in mind, none of us ran more than 10km at once before.

(We had no idea that our half marathon challenge would be one of the biggest Pay Per View events in history)

But the amount of action we took was crazy.

So with the upcoming blog posts and videos, I want to show people how to get rid of bad habits, get out of comfort zone, learn the ways of making money online and live a life on your own terms.

(Hitchhiking for 700km just to hike in Zakopany, Poland. Spoiler alert: we didn't reach the top)

That's the goal, not saying that I'm there... not even close, but I hope that the Steem community will keep me accountable for my promises and we can grow together!

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Hey @sadeone! Welcome to steemit! Hope you'll like being here :)

Thank you! Great ommunity!

Great to have you here bro! Definitely, an exceptional personality striving for something new everytime :) Wish you best of luck on Steemit and in general, mate! Let's gooooo ;)))

Thanks :D time to kick some ass :P

Hello Friend! I'm new to Steemit. I understand correctly that you, too? I followed you, I hope that you too will follow me! Let's develop the power of Steemit together

Hey @sanjidasima! Yes, let's help each other :)

Willkommen Herman. Great to see you here. Hope you will enjoy your time on steemit. Your intro looks promising. All the best!

Thank you! Loving the community already!

¡Bienvenido a esta hermosa comunidad llamada Steemit! Espero que disfrutes, aprendas, etc. Siempre es bueno conocer otros lugares, a otras personas y que mejor forma que a través de post o comentarios. Espero leerte muy pronto. ¡Saludos!

Thanks @eliarenas! Had to use google translate haha All the best to you too!!

You got a 22.98% upvote from @brandonfrye courtesy of @sadeone!

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I love your attitude! Will your journey lead you to unlimited happiness? Will you find fame and fortune? I hope so!

I think the world offers us what we need, we may not always understand that we need it. But if we are smart we will take the time to understand what we need which is being offered.

I hope you enjoy steemit! I get a lot of help from the folks over at the #MinnowSupportProject. They have a discord channel which helps a lot of people to understand steemit and the supporting apps and websites.

I use Stack Edit to write my posts, it really helps me to see the post side by side as I am writing it.

Have a great time out in the wild blue yonder and thanks for sharing your adventures with folks here on Steemit.

Thanks! I think so too, we already have everything we need. Just gotta do it, let go of the outcome and enjoy the process :)

Welcome to the Steemit Community. Enjoy your stay :) Here is an Upvote.
follow us @wallstreethodl for great news and information on all things crypto!

Thanks, I'll take a look :)

This post has received a 2.96 % upvote from @boomerang.

You are pretty cool and I have Bitcoin, I love cryptocurrencies but what is Forex?

Thanks! Forex is foreign exchange market, its a place where people trade normal currencies like EUR/USD, basically the same idea as trading cryptocurrency. A cool place to learn more about forex is
this is a free forex course, it will help you to understand more in case you are interested :)

Hope this helps!

Understood. Thanks.

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