Hello, Steemit! Meet Artsy Wanderer me. @rosescale133

Hi, Steemit community!


It has been a little over a month I am here. I'd thought I have learned enough of the steemit how-to to make my Introduction, but guess what? After a month of overthinking it, I realized there is no easy way to Introduce yourself but to just start. So here I am telling my little story to you.

Who Am I?
I am a 23-year-old Filipina who is now residing in Switzerland. I conquered college with a bachelor of science in civil engineering and is now trying to find my way to the big world. But apart from the worries of the real world more of me who is a wanderer and an aspiring artist found steemit and want to share my life experience as an artist and traveler. I have always been on different social media platforms but I never found a community as responsive as steemit and I would love to know the value of the audience.

Anyway, back to the topic of me. I love art. I mostly do portraits in pencil, watercolor, and ink but I would say there is a lot for me to discover and now that I have more time to try more medium I am excited to find what will suit me best. For now I revel in the beauty of women in portraits there is just something that draws me to it.





I know I have a lot to learn in the field of art but I am very proud of my portraits, each time I take the time to start one I wake up with the motivation to finish it. There will always be room for practice but for me sketching is therapeutic and joyous, what can be better than doing something you love? Right?

Apart from sketching I also bask in the beauty of everything, and so I travel. I am not a blogger type of person but I will try my best to share the experience of being able to witness such beauty in the best way that I can.

I'll share you some of the most magnificent views I have seen and hope you'll feel how wonderful it is to live in this world.

This is in Virgin Island Bohol - Philippines

The heart-stopping sunset in Camiguin Island - Philippines

Paragliding on the cliff of Varkala - India

View from the top of Pointe de sur Cou - France

Aiguille du midi Chamonix - France

I hope you all know a little bit more of moi. I'll be posting more from my travels and arts.

Thanks. xoxo


Welcome @rosescale133.

Hi beautiful friend ! Welcome to the community !! Happy steeming !! All the best !!

You are welcome ! See you around !

Hi @rosescale133, welcome to Steemit! Thanks for your detailed self-intro. Popped by to show some support to a fellow newbie with a tiny upvote.

I think you have true talent in art and photography. Keep it up and steem on! I have resteemed this post as part of the #newbieresteemday initiative.

That's very kind. Thank you loads.


You have amazing talent. I hope we (the steemit community gives you all you deserve). Welcome.

Thank you. I feel very appreciated and having a very responsive audience is already way better than I asked for.

thats some great art, I've been trying to learn how to draw but im pretty trash :)

I was trash when I started but picking up my pencil and sketching when I can help me progress. I would love to show my old sketches but sad to say I never thought of keeping it. But you're not alone in the learning curve. Keep it up if you love it.

welcome to steemit world . Always Remember 5 points..
1)Never copy paste content from any where ..
2)It can take some time but if you work hard , God will definitely give you success..
3)Never abuse anyone or post haterade content on steemit..
4)Daily post will increase your REPUTATION SCORE (number by the side of your name)
Reputation score is mainly based on upvotes and comments .
No matter what you post ,if it gets upvotes and comments then reputation score will increase
Don't let anyone flag you or downvote you..
5)Your first post should be your introduction..
I wish you success
You can follow me @be4u

Thanks for a couple of advice I really appreciate it. ;)

Welcome to Steemit rosescale133. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look and DMania for memes. That's right, you can actually make money of memes now! Welcome to the blockchain

thanks janne I followed you and will chat you when I have some questions. :)

Welcome to Steemit! Wow your works are good. :)

Thank you. I looked into your posts and love them. I'll be following your works too.

Wow! Amazing portraits. you are very skillful indeed. I look forward to your future works.
Welcome to steemit! :)

Thank you. I will be posting more art content soon enough.

Also as an aspiring artist like you. I'll be following your post. :)

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