ROBOT Sofia getting 'Gold Memberhip' of Bangladesh Biman

Robot sophia has come to Bangladesh for artificial intelligence. Saudi Arabia has already given him citizenship. What will happen to come to Bangladesh? According to sources in the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Bangladesh Biman has announced the announcement of 'Gold Membership' to Robot Sophia.

According to Biman Bangladesh Airlines, Robot Sofia was given a complimentary 'Gold Memberhip'.

According to the official airline website, you can get gold membership when a passenger travels 75,000 miles per year. He receives special gifts including personal Gold Card, Baggage Cards and Greetings Letters from CEO. The two-year-old card receives a variety of facilities including invitation and special reception.

Ministry of Information and Communication Technology sources said that Sofia arrived in Dhaka on Tuesday. Sofia arrives at the airport on a Thai Airlines plane. Has come to Bangladesh with its maker David Hanson The various parts of the body of Sophia have been opened and brought to Dhaka by box. Sofia is currently staying at a five star hotel in the capital.

Sophia will be present at Bangabandhu International Conference Center on the opening day of the country's biggest IT festival, Digital World, starting tomorrow. His creator will be with David Hanson

It is learned that Sophia will be present at Bangabandhu International Conference Center from Wednesday morning. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the country's largest information technology exhibition. Sofia will also be there at the opening ceremony But at that time no one will get the chance to speak with Sofia.

There is a special ceremony called 'Take Talk with Sofia' at Hall of Fame at 2:30. According to the Department of Information and Communication Technology, the question that will be asked by Sophia is collected from senior journalists. The feature of Sofia, it will not be appropriate to interview formal gays. There will be fun and intelligent conversations with him. Previously registered people can take part.

At one stage of the ceremony, State Minister of ICT Junaid Ahmed will join the ceremony and will finally come to David Hanson. In the last episode, David Hanson will speak. He will talk about the technical aspects of Sophia and artificial intelligence. Members of various robotic and artificial intelligence clubs of the country will participate in the event. They can also take part in the question-answer session with Sophia.

Sofia speaks in English. Artificial intelligent Sophia will hear the Bengali voice, but there will be no surprise! But the matter is not sure.

Earlier, Sufia sent a message greeting Bangladesh. It is broken in Bengal thanks to ' thanks '.

Sophia looks like Hollywood actress Adre Haipburn If you ask a question, he can answer with a smile smile. But he is still not perfect. The back side of the head is chip and the equipment is tight. In the last week of October last year Saudi Arabia gave citizenship status to Sofia. After that he comes to the discussion. Later in an interview, the robot expressed his intention to form his family and to have children. Sophia's commentary, family is a very important matter. A girl is very fond of her. She wants to name the girl with her own name.

Originally, Sophia has been programmed to talk to people. Artificial intelligence, Sofia can also showcase different faces and make a joke as well. Asking the answer to any question answers the questions in the 'machine learning' system from huge databases with the help of Wi-Fi network. Sophia was first activated on April 19, 2015.

Sophia's composer David Hanson commented that the facial fixation was used in it. There is artificial intelligence, ability to process visual data. It can duplicate the facial gestures and show faces. Responding to specific questions can lead to general conversations, especially on specific topics. Now Google's native organization Alfabet's voice recognition technology is used. Artificial intelligence is used in future, its conversations will improve further. Sophia will work with the help of the people in the house and in the park, to care for the elderly as a partner and the house. Sophia will be able to communicate with people on the level of social skills.

Sofia will return to the country after the ceremony on Wednesday. Many people are excited about social networking around Robot Sophia. To see Sofia, you need to register for the Digital World website.


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