New to Steamit *RobArt* - The artist who wants to help animals!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Seems right and proper that one should introduce oneself in these new social media arenas. So, here I am. My name is Rob Snow (absolutely no relation to Jon Snow!)


I have been a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and web designer of over 25 years. I also have been teaching as a lecturer in this time, in the areas of Creative Thinking (lateral thinking) and Art. I recently decided to give up teaching and two of the art disciplines and concentrate on Illustration. It is something I have been doing the longest, so my passion is there. I tend to introduce myself via a recipe I wrote that has all the flavours that make me whole.


1 creative person, slightly matured
2 tablespoons aptitude
1 piece of aesthetic flavouring
6lbs hard work and sweat
4 ideas more than most
salt of the earth to taste

Take a creative person and stir in some aptitude, thoroughly from the start. In time, mix in the aesthetic flavouring with the most appropriate tool at hand, and then, fold into the mix as much of the hard work and sweat that the mix can take. Sprinkle in the ideas; the more the better. And finally, as all is cooking, a pinch of ‘salt of the earth’ to give it the necessary character. Leave to cook over time and serve when required. Tasty treat in a tasteless world.


I have four main loves at present (apart from my lovely daughter) and they are my dog Honey, Art, Mount Olympus and cooking. In my new life in Greece I have extended to reach out and help animals as much as I can. Honey is a rescue companion, and started my entire new phase of illustration; in the form of Animal Behaviour series, which can be seen on my site! I have been fortunate to have saved three dogs so far, and wish I could save more.


When I have time to get away from the pencil and computer, I venture to a nearby mountain; Mount Olympus. After my first trip I fell in love with the pure nature of the place and have now visited the great place over 38 times. Making sure I go at least twice a year. It gives me that much needed zen time and creativity juice that is required for finding good original ideas.

I wont ramble on too much, as I am not usually a man of many words (when it comes to myself). I hope that over time I will be able to share some of my passions here, and maybe a little experimental poetry I do on occasion. But for now, I will leave you with the notice that if you are in Cyprus in early March you can come and see me do a seminar on online selling and copyright. Details here!

So, peace to you all and looking forward to meeting some new faces!! Find me on the links bellow this image!


Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | LinkedIn | BeHance & Dribbble


welcome from one fellow artist to another xxx

Thank you very much! Stay creative!

cool! excited for more posts

Thanks, will be working on that ;-)

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