Down the rabbit hole.


I'm excited to be a part of something as big as Steemit is going to be. I've been 'awake' for about 8 years now, but it was a very slow process. The catalyst moment that spiraled me into doing serious research, with one thing leading to another, was looking up one day in Spain and seeing the tic tac toe grid in the sky above me.

I'm now a member of the Tragedy and Hope website and the always expanding universe of knowledge, critical thinking, and higher learning that this online community and all that cross through it, involve. Through logic and the influences of great minds like Larkin Rose, James Corbett, Richard Grove, Mark Passio and Derrick Broze to name a few, I've arrived through the thick tunnel of government indoctrinated statism to the liberating philosophies of agorism and anarchy. They really are the only logical solution to the problems of the world today.

What can we do? Grow your own. I'll share any first hand knowledge and thoughts on gardening. Teach your own. I'll share our homeschooling experiences. Make your own. I'll share our failures and successes at making our own vinegar, kombucha, toothpaste and other things. Agorism. I'll share any experiences of keeping the gray market alive and well. I really hope to be getting to Anarchapulco 2018 this year, so maybe we can get together and share ideas.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space, and in that space lies freedom." - Victor Frankl


It is always good to have someone whose eyes are opened. We love that perspective.

Welcome to the steemit community. It is good that you have been red pilled. So you are going to Anarchapulco. Tell us about your experience. I know that you a mountain of things to discuss. The community will be waiting for it.

You are welcome.

Welcome @Redpillawakening! hope you enjoy here as much as i do !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me ...

Welcome to the community! Great intro post, good to meet someone who is awake ;)

The Steemit community is amazingly supportive and encouraging, unlike any I have encountered online. You will find happiness here :)

I post a lot of advice and support for minnows (newbies) so please take a scroll down my page and check out the tips- I know what it’s like to be the new kid, so I promise to sit with you at lunch ;)

If you have any questions or need anything, please ask! And welcome again, it’s great to have you :)


Thanks a lot! It is all a bit confusing right now.

You are very welcome :) I know how overwhelming Steemit was for me when I joined, so I like to give help where I needed it :)

I heard that cool people like @erikaharris hang out at Anarchapulco... you should follow her =) Welcome to Steemit!

I'm going to get my ticket tomorrow I hope- and worry about the logistics of getting there later on.

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