1. SET GOALS: Setting goals means putting down in black and white things you want to achieve over a period of time and how you intend to achieve them.
  2. Remember that not everything that looks urgent is important, and what is important to somebody else may not be to others.
  3. Our destinies and destination are quite different; therefore our goals are likely to diverge.
  4. The kind of goals we set is determined by destine and purpose in life.
    The Reasons/ Benefits Of Setting Goals
    a. It helps us to keep focus to things that are important.
    b. It enables us plan adequately
    c. It puts us on track when deviate from set goals.
    d. It useful to determine the next thing on line
    e. It help to plan how to achieve our goals
    f. It affords us to re- evaluate our plan objectives.
    g. It helps to achieve and accomplish more in a shortest period of time
    h. Goals motivate and empower us.
    i. Procrastination is eliminated
    j. Goals setting help our lives bring more glory to God.

a. Pray and asked God for direction
b. Organise our energies around our goals
c. Set attainable goals over a time frame.
d. Know the dividends of goal setting and build around them.
e. Set a goal that heart can conceived, that minds can believe and bodies can carry out.
 S = Specific: It must be straightforward and emphasise what it intend to achieve. It should include:
• Who is involved?
• What to be accomplished
• Where to accomplish what worth to accomplish.

• Why you want to accomplish it.
• When to accomplish it
 M=Measurable: The goals must be quantifiable. Pointing to a definite figure as to what we want to do. Goals that cannot be measured may be unmanageable. The goals must answer the following questions:
• How much could we realize when accomplish the goals.
• How many of these goals could be achieved within a set time.
• How do we know when the goals are accomplish?
 A=Attainable: The goals must be realizable or do-able, actualisable, acceptable, and action oriented, not far out of reach. The goals could be stretch-full but should not break us. The goals must be challenging but reachable.
 R = Relevant: The goals should be relevant to our destiny, to our purpose in life and destination oriented. Relevant goals are the ones which we are able to work at because it satisfies and fulfils an important aspect of our life. Our purpose should be known, and well understood first before setting them.
 T =Time: If goals set should produce required dividend in our life, they should be set on time frame. A timeless goal usually lacks the sense of urgency. The goals must be specific, track- able and tangible The time based goals answers the following questions:
• When to achieve the goals i.e. today or tomorrow?
• Where to achieve the goals?