All is connected. All is energy. Awareness is not energy! Brexit Market Panic 7y7m7w7d after Dow lost 777 points is not random!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

I want to share my blog with you -

I began writing it after I discovered some symmetrical numeric correlations between the dates of Images I made with certain themes, and these themes happening in the world.

Since then I have discovered many of these symmetrical numbers.
They seem to occur randomly, and in my own "art", so it must be beyond what is able to be controlled by a few.

I do not believe awareness has anything to do with energy, yet all is energy, even the concept of the supernatural.
I do believe that everything is governed by numbers, and what I show here, and on my blog, must be connected to the ways numbers behave, such as 9 1's times 9 1's being equal to 12345678987654321, which added together is 81, or 9x9.

There's more to this, and it is detailed on my blog, as well as with many more examples.

Here're some examples from entertainment, a seemingly random event, and from one of my images.
As mentioned above, all and more is detailed on my blog - with links to all the news-stories with dates, as well as the dates of my pictures on Tumblr.

The game "Two Souls" was re-released for PS4 777 days after its initial old-gen consoles release. This was also the same week that CERN started colliding LEAD particles. The game is a pseudo CERN story about opening a portal into a dark dimension, which leads to the apocalypse.

18th of February 2000 a private plane landed safely on the I-15, 5888 days later (5x888=4440) the same plane crashes on the same road, the I-15.

The post Brexit market panic mentioned in the title, happened on the 176rd (176/2=88) day of this year, and 176.44% of a year since my picture “A Money Bloke” from 19/9/14, or 644 days later (644/2=322). This image was also posted 333 days before 18/8 2015, where China lost 6% on its markets, and began the western panic which led to the 888 Dow drop. The 888 dow drop happened 44 weeks before the post Brexit market panic.

4 years ago I was introduced to a blog called

After some years of getting to understand myself and the world around me, I noticed that some of my own images began showing symmetrical numbers between upload of image and theme of image happening in the world, which lead to me creating my own blog. Also as sort of a short introduction into the large illuminatimatrix blog.



Maths is patterns, right?
Life is patterns.
Energy is patterns.
We can represent each with the other ... right?

And yes, I feel that ... Awareness is not energy ... but the interaction of the two create all the manifest universe.

Love Peace & Freedom.

All is a circle of patterns (ouroboros).
The odd thing to begin to understand and accept, is, that thought-patterns are energy as well.
The Egyptian God Thoth is the creator of all learned knowledge, and the maintainer of the universe.
The Egyptian God Atum is the finisher of the world, and the one whom returns to watery chaos at the end of the creative cycle.
Awareness is none of this. A part of awareness is the ego, which vibrates, and helps create a contrast to nothing.
At some point the ego took control, and convinced this one awareness of no thing, that is was something, and manipulated us to pose as God(s) and the Devil(s). To be the greatest of all.
Check out my blog for an introduction into this concept.
Here is an older piece on Thoth -
Or go straight to the vast source of this knowledge -

thought-patterns are energy as well.

Oh yes indeed!

No-thing is something.
Oh the sweet paradoxes.

Thanks for the links ... I'll take a look.

Love Peace & Freedom.

EDIT: following you :)

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