My Introduce: I'm @Putristeem, Let's Know Each Others.

Good night all steemian indonesia

English Language

Hi steemian all, how are you? I hope it's fine. Well first I will introduce myself. My name is Princess Nazirah, my nickname I am a princess. I live in Indonesia precisely in North Aceh. I am a housewife and I have two sons, Azzam and Azril.

One day I was reunion with my university classmates when I was in college. At that time my friends were talking about steemit. At that time I did not know about steemit. So, I just became a good listener. After my friend told me and explained later I was interested to join in steemit.

In this steemit blog I am a beginner who is very deprived in writing posts and in everything in this blog steemit. For that I really hope to steemians who have long joined to support me in everything in this blog.

Indonesian Language

Hai steemian semua, apa kabar? Saya harap baik-baik saja. Baiklah pertama saya akan memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Putri Nazirah, nama panggilan saya saya adalah putri. Saya tinggal di Indonesia tepatnya di Aceh Utara. Saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga dan saya mempunyai dua orang anak laki -laki yaitu Azzam dan Azril.

Suatu hari saya reunian bersama teman-teman sekelas satu universitas ketika saya kuliah dulu. Pada saat itu teman-teman saya berbicara tentang steemit. pada saat itu saya tidak mengetahui tentang steemit. Jadi, saya hanya menjadi pendengar yang baik. Setelah teman saya menceritakan dan menjelaskan kemudian saya tertarik untuk bergabung dalam steemit.

Pada blog steemit ini saya adalah seorang pemula yang sangat serba kekurangan dalam penulisan postingan maupun dalam segala hal dalam blog steemit ini. Untuk itu saya sangat berharap kepada steemians yang sudah lama bergabung untuk mendukung saya dalam segala hal di dalam blog ini.

Thank you for visiting my blog



Welcome to steemit :D

Hello Nazirah, welcome to Steemit family and our ever-growing platform. You have made a great decision by joining us and helping us to create decentralized entity that will change the way social media and other business models work in the future. I would like to help you out in your early days by using my steem power to upvote your first few posts. Simply follow my account and tag me by @czechglobalhosts in your posts and I will make sure to read your post and upvote you! Good luck and steem on! Tomas

Ok thanks for helping me and i will follow your advice @czechglobalhosts

Welcome to Steemit. You have plenty of support in Aceh. It seems there is a thriving Steem community there!

Welcome to steemit!

Nice to have you here. I hope you enjoy your stay and make some new friends!

If you like to know how you can get fast upvotes and could gain new followers,
You may want to check out my post about it:

I upvoted and followed you. Fell free to do the same and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions 😉

Good luck so far, greetings from
Djangos story @juicypop

Welcome putristeem, I hope you enjoy it here! This is a great place for a multitude of reasons; I’m sure you’ll find out plenty of your own.

I am going to follow you and ask that in return your follow me. But take note, this type of following is almost a moot point. After all, wouldn’t you rather be following people with similar interests? OR following people whom are like minded?

Just my two cents, but welcome all the same. At my site, @carltong; I have blogs on scams, easy to use faucets, and more. I don’t link to any of these in this letter, because I want to genuinely welcome you to Steemit. It’s that great an invention, lol.

Here is my best advice for you:

”If it seems to good to be true, then it’s NOT true.”

I lost over $1000 at BitcoinsBrain, and almost got taken by FexFund; I was given this advice once; “be nice to everyone and don’t trust anyone”.

Whatever the case, WELCOME HERE. Say hi once in a while and I’ll try to do the same.


Welcome to this platform. We wish a lot of things that you want here. I am Reza from Aceh, Sumatra wants to meet you. Please follow me on @elhakimi and I will give the vote to you. Thank you..

it,s very good

welcome to steemit @putristeem i have upvote

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