a bit of a story about me

Let me introduce who I am here. My name is Putri R.A. Zakaria. I am from Aceh. I was born in Aceh Barat on February 20, 1994, so now i'm 24 years old. I am currently living in Banda Aceh. I am a teacher in junior high school at one of the favorite schools in Banda Aceh.

Now, allow me to introduce myself further. I like the things of the scenery, sunset, rain, and all of about nature. I never forget to save all of it on my handphone, that's mean i do love photography.

I also like the little things like reading, watching and sometimes i like to write poetry. Most of the poetry that I write are a description of what I feel.

Then, I really like sightseeing, eat some food, and cook. Trying out new recipes is something that can make me get rid of boredom.

Well now I will tell you about how my life with my family. I am one of five brothers, I have a sister and three brother. My father is a retired, named Zakaria. My mother has died in the 2013 year ago. At home, i just stay with my father and one person brother, my sister and other brothers have wander looking for work. We gather only once a year during Idul Fitri holidays.

That’s all I can say about myself. Thank you.IMG20180113161657.jpg


What up, welcome to deeez Steems

Selamat Bergabung...

Terima kasih..

very smart and lovely

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