Merry Christmas Steemit - Meet @ProvidersteemCreated with Sketch.

Hello everyone, my name is @provider.

I'm a father and a husband, so a lot of my life is spent providing. Part of my providing comes from jobs, but I prefer hunting, foraging, fishing and gardening.

Since I live near a lake and it's winter, I do a lot of ice fishing. I like to take my son with me and teach him about life and how to provide.

I joined steemit as a way to share, learn and interact, and maybe be able to provide a little more with some steem.

A good friend of mine @papa-pepper told me about steemit, so here I am.

I plan on posting about foraging, fishing and life in general.

Merry Christmas everyone from @provider!


Hello @provider,

Congratulations! Your post has been chosen by the communities of SteemTrail as one of our top picks today.

Also, as a selection for being a top pick today, you have been awarded a TRAIL token for your participation on our innovative platform...STEEM.
Please visit SteemTrail to get instructions on how to claim your TRAIL token today.

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Happy TRAIL!

too much auto-voting on this spammish stuff. mildly flagged for now

Merry Christmas @smooth!

Thanks for helping give my friend @provider a warm welcome to the community!

but what about all the TRAIL tokens?! lol

Welcome to steemit @provider!

Thanks bro!


It was a Christmas present to myself!

Welcome! When I was younger I was addicted to those survival programs. Made me believe I was an I'm realistic enough to see I'll be dead in 3 days without a tap and a supermarket. Looking forward to your stories!

Thank you exyle!

Thank you @kus-knee! As soon as the ice cooperates I will be posting.

Thank you @ace108! I wanted to stay true to my true Provider !

you're welcome

Hell yes! if you are recommended from @pappa-pepper this is good! :) welcome.

It is good @steemitqa!

@provider and his family once let us live in their guest house, and we learned a lot from them.

Very blessed to have a brother like @provider!

Thanks again brother ! I love you man.

You're welcome!

I love you too!

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