Hello STEEMIT ! I'am Prihantoro, I am an Owner of "DUKUN PERUT" Restaurant


Hi, my name is Prihantoro, i am 53 years old, i have a little restaurant, in my country its call by "warung", the position of "warung" is under restaurant :) . My little restaurant name is "DUKUN PERUT" in English its mean "Shaman of Stomach" haha looks like very strange, but that is my job :) my business. Okay, my reason i am join STEEMIT is because my wife (@tantiriyatin) and my son (@vianhandika) are invite me, they says that in STEEMIT you can share your experience,skill, and stories,that is so fantastic :) there is a lot of stories in here,i read it until i forget to post my introduce post :3 ,hmmm okay nex to the point :) i will telling you about my Little Restaurant :)

                                                DUKUN PERUT RESTAURANT 

            Its begin when i am 25 years old, i helped my parents in my parents restaurant its call by "Malidi".From that time until now, i just be to dish up the food for buyers so i am not a chef :) . My parents restaurant are growth fastly and my parents getting old,often ill,and they death one by one, They have heritage for their childern, there is 7 son and 1 daughter. My brother and my sister get a house,rice field, but only me who get my parrents restaurant, So i am an owner of "Malidi" Restaurant at that time. When that restaurant in my full control,there is a lot of people to buy a food from that restaurant, i feel i am already success from that. But, when i am 49 years old my brother and sister are envy to my job and they want my restaurant to be family restaurant, so the result of profit will be divided for 8 people include me, and they want me to still handle it, i dont agree but they keep pushing me,cornered me and finaly i let go "Malidi" restaurant to my brother and sister.I know that is not good for my childern soon, i need my own business which i can give to my childern when i old soon, Then i open my own restaurant, its call by "DUKUN PERUT" restaurant and the special menu of this restaurant is "Nasi Pecel" and that will dishes with "Tempe" and fried milkfish

from that i am very happy because i have my own restaurant :) and my son start to learning in here and my family feel peaceful right now ,because no one will distrub my job,my family life :).

okay that is my stories about my restaurant :) i hope you can understand :3 hehe because i am not fluently to speak english. I am an Steemit user right now, i hope you can accept me :) and i will share about my recipe of "Nasi Pecel" soon :) 

This is for verification :) i am sorry about the date :3 it must be yesterday but i am too busy to read some post in here :3 so i forgot to post

Thank you :)

#entrepreneur #photos #steemwatch #voting #vote #steem #basicincome #steemit #restaurant #life #introduceyourself 


nice post @prihantoro , good job

hahah come on...come to my little restaurant :3 i give you free food :v

Welcome dad :)

hello son :v , you still wake up? -,- go to sleep

bagus keren

hahaha thanks .... kalo ke trenggalek,mampir ya

saya kasih gratis ntar :v

hmmm enak,. nyam nyam nyam...

Ke trenggalek :) monggo ... saya kasi gratis :v

:v hahhaha you have a nice joke man

hahah apanya yg keren?

mungkin wajahmu yah -,-

hahaha terima kasih

hahahah nice video son ...btw you look so freak in there XD

:3 you like it mom? you like when i freak?

just happy because my dad are welcomed nicely :)

oh no dear ... i just laughing so much because that :'v

WTF, are you crazy bro? :v

awkwkwkw roger that :P

no no no you like a crazy man in the street :v

realy -,- so you got crazy brother and exactly you are crazy too

noooo only you bro :P

shut up bro -,- , wait are you didnt work right now?

yeah :) but its break time

okay, just enjoy your break time and dont spam in here -,- understood?

-,- howcrazy i am.... i just be freak bro....

Love it! Never be afraid to BE YOURSELF!
Let it shine, boys!

thank you @bobdownlov :) okay2 let it shine =D

What the superior man seeks is in himself. What the mean man seeks is in others.

:3 i dont know what do you mean but every man need more hard work for his family ,for the life of his family soon

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