Trip to Stonehenge UKsteemCreated with Sketch.

My trip to Stonehenge, UK.

It is One of the most mysterious places in the wold. Located in Wiltshire which is around 3 hours from London. I took a Bus tour on a solo journey. It was a nice sunny day in London where I started my journey. I can still remember riding on the bus as we left the city behind to discover the more pleasant side of UK. The grassy hills and smooth highway was a welcome relief from the daily underground commute to the hard of London.

We first visited BATH which is a very beautiful small town. With lots of things to do and a very picturesque city. I will do another post for BATH at a later time.

After BATH we once again hopped on the bus and after an hour later pulled up in the middle of no where. As we pulled in we could see multiple other buses had already lined up. This place is obviously a tourist magnet. There were buses leaving and other arriving. As we off loaded from the bus we were escorted to the briefing area. This is where they give us the option of waiting for the shuttle that will drive you to the Stonehenge or to walk.

I decided to walk and I am so glad I did. its a good 15 -20 mins walk if I remember it right but it took me a little longer as I was snapping pictures of flowers and the scenery. The area has greenery all around with small hills that made the place looks very picturesque. As I walked further i could see the tops of the stones but the excitement was taken away with hoards of people head sticking out as well. I would wonder that who ever discovered for the first time must have be flabbergasted by this huge monolithic stones just sticking out of the ground. It does look surreal and the place does definitely has a tingly vibe to it.

This was the 15 mins walk


Shots on the way.




Not the most flattering site at first.








If you made it this far Than you and follow me @pratickr for pictures and stores from around the world.


It looks like mis-taq on your post man.

Very impressive!

Thank you, It was an opportunity I would have regretted all my life if I didn't go.

never figured out what is so fascinating about rocks stuck upon each other.

I kind thought the same but when you there there is a very different vibe. I can't describe that feeling.

because they're enormous rocks that no one has been able to explain how they got there...especially considering the lack of technology and invention available at the time....

Also recently they have discovered that this place is much bigger with various new sites discovered. would like to go see it after they have excavated it.

They're excavating? I know nothing of this...!

Yes it was major news when it happened and there were plans for excavation. That was nearly a year ago I think

"I would wonder that who ever discovered for the first time must have be flabbergasted by this huge monolithic stones just sticking out of the ground." This sentence makes me brain kind of bend a little bit...there would have been a gap between the people who created Stonehenge (or the aliens who created it)...and the next group to come along and find it. But why was there this gap, and why was no info passed along to somewhere at some point about this (Stonehenge) being made. confused

I like your thinking and I think we click. Going main steam what that idea people don't want to understand the gap. If you really dig deep these "gaps" are everywhere on this planet. But I guess people like to keep it simple and think people came out of caves just 10,000 years ago or so. ;)

Ridiculous. It was 6,000 years ago. God created us in his image. Everyone should at least know that! *heavily sarcastic
I know of some of these gaps...but Im sure there are far more that Ive never heard of. The natural application of disease and famine applied to an isolated community thousands of years ago seems to open the door for conspiracy theorists today (anti reseachers)...point being, people know more about the false theories than they do the actual events behind it. But Im guilty of this too. Just a thought.

very magical place ! beautiful pics !

Great pictures! However this is not an introduction post and as such shouldn't have the introduce yourself tag. Don't tag spam. :) Tons of other great tags to use that will get you better exposure then that one too.

I am really bad at making tags but agreed. Maybe you can suggest some tags for future similar post> :)

History, travel, photography, Stonehenge, I mean there are a lot, take a look at popular tags and think about where your post fits. Also better to include less tags then put something where it doesn't belong.

Thanks for the advice. Will take note. Watch out for my better tagged blogs.

Beautiful pictures, and it surely is a magical place

Hi @juieddd have you been as well? It was magical for me as I had dreamed of going here for a very long time.

No, never. I'm just telling what I see. But I'd like to go :)

Thank you for your comments and if you get a change you should its worth it.

You're welcome Pratickr! :-D

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