Lessons From My Autistic Son

Hello everybody, my name is Charles Siaw and I am from Kuching, Sarawak. #introduceyourself I am not sure how many of you have heard about Kuching, it's located in the island of Borneo. It’s summer all year round here, the only difference is there is a dry and wet season.

Since I started working, 30 years ago, I have been interested in reading books about personal development and personal finance. One of the highlights of my life was attending the Anthony Robbins’ programme “Unleash The Power Within” in Singapore.

Many of you must be wondering why the tittle of my post is “Lessons From My Autistic Son”. Well, the single event that impacted and changed my life was the diagnosis of my son as autistic. My experience in raising my autistic son has been a life learning lesson. There are so many lessons that my autistic son had taught me.
I will be posting here some of the lessons that I have learnt from my autistic son. I hope that my posts will be able to motivate and inspire others. In this imperfect world, my desire is to spread happiness and cheer one post at a time in Steemit.

I am just a minnow now, #minnowsunite with the DNA of a whale but I need the support and encouragement of the steemit community here #robinhood.


I have learned to upload my photo from imgur to steemit.
Here is it.

I previously paste the BB Code instead of the Direct Link.
Shout out to @skyochica and @gikitiki for your tips
This is the spirit of steemit

Help. Can anyone explain why my photo did not appear with my post but only the link. How do I actually post images on steemit

It looks like that photo is private, in your photo.google.com account. Try instead uploading it to an image hosting site like imgur.com. From there I usually right click to open the image itself in a window and copy that link in.

(This pic is at htttp://i.imgur.com/3GjZHAE.png with out the extra t in http for example)

Thanks. Appreciated it very much

That link does not look correct.

Use the format:


Make sure the link ends in .gif, .jpg, .bmp etc

Thanks. Glad that the community at steemit is so helpful

I am trying to post my image here.
Hope that it works

Why is the image not posted but only the link?

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