How I became a writer without even trying. I enjoy being here on Steemit and I'm loving it.

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Being a writer was never a priority for me. Whenever I wondered about what my life would be, I always saw writing as a hobby rather than a real career that I could follow. I've always been more of a STEM(Science, Tech, Engineering and Mathematics) person, and I still am.

Yet, my mind has always been full with stories. Maybe because, since I was a kid, I liked reading so much. Reading is like planting a seed; you are exposed to one simple idea and it soon develops into mysterious worlds and fantastic adventures that become weed. It overtakes everywhere in your brain. Even though I actually never planned on becoming a writer, I was already crafting story lines and creating characters. Or maybe those character decided to take over my mind and make me a vehicle for their existence. There were moments when I thought so. Many of those story lines made so much sense that I was sure they had their own life.

The characters in my brain and I had to negotiate surrender terms by the time I was going to College. And college wasn't fun without the: Hey, I loved my career of choice, I loved learning about it. But I felt I was missing an important part of my life. My mind wasn't creating in the way I wanted. Maybe that's one of the reasons I got so bored there.

I also missed my blog.

Maybe because I'm shy and I don't have a “tv face”, as soon as I could, I set up a blog. That way I could remain connected to other human beings after I dropped out of College. Being the geek nerd I am, I turned the whole thing into a brand. Before I noticed it, I was writing about tv, books, sci-fi, politics, movies,technology, and specially, about myself. And the best part is that people was reading my blog. Soon enough, I found an audience. Apparently, I was an interesting person that others wanted to read about. It's really not that hard to find, to be honest. There are millions of people in the world, so why would be so hard to believe that a bunch of them would think I'm worthy of five minutes of their time? Some of that audience became friends of mine, some others became the exact opposite. But it really didn't matter. For good or bad, they wanted to read me and they did.
Yet, it was still a hobby. I wasn't being paid for writing but for my other job (I am a web designer). Are you a writer if you aren't paid to write? I think not. Someone who hasn't yet got there. Don't make me explain where there is, because you know what I'm talking about. I was yet to far from there as I thought.

See, life not always works as you want. In fact, it sucks a lot sometimes. Life not always works as you want. My blog had to be put in a (too much long) temporary hiatus because reality had some urgent need of my full attention. And reality is the swore enemy of we creative folks. Nevertheless, I didn't completely abandoned writing, even if my writing was just some small random infrequent commentary in social media. My audience still could read the pocket version of me. You don't need to write a full page or a full post in order to develop one good idea that others might like to share.

And then, it happened.

I still didn't give up writing, though, even if my writing was just some small commentary in social media. You don't need to write a full book in order to develop one good idea that some others might share. Turnout, my ideas were convincing enough to be included in a magazine. I received a call from the director of a brand new magazine that was looking for new talent. He had heard of me, he read me, and he hired me. I kept my other job, but this was what paid my bills. I was making a life of my writing skills.

I knocked the doors at there.

That adventured ended up too soon. Did I say life sucks? Oh, it does, you dirty bitch. Politics and other things got us a bunch of writers fired and gone. The magazine changed editorial at least twice after that and I don't recognize it anymore. Turns out reality got its dirty claws there too. So I had to find new horizons. Or old ones. I still kept my original job, of course, but something was missing. That thing I never thought would be part of my life had become now a part of me. I kept writing in a new blog, just as I did when everything started. The audience this time was smaller and the language was different. Yet, the audience existed. I was still able to make one. I still had it within me. I was even called to write for some others(until they found out about my political views and then “uncalled” me). Maybe I was always there.

After I was out of job again, life bit me for a third time. I'm like a magnet for tragedies (but aren't the best writers always like this?). Going back to my old job was hard, and in the meantime, I had to do something to survive. Then I remember something important, I had been paid to write. I WAS A WRITER. Damn it. I didn't need that much to prove I was one except, you know, write. And before I could once more realize it, I was paid a check for writing. And then another one. I have money, but the most important is that I have so many ideas that I can now make reality. And that's possible because the characters in my brain make possible for me to create words that people want to read about.

I'm there.


PS: I'm still practicing in editing text and putting more relevant pictures.


The superior man...does not set his mind either for anything, or against anything; what is right he will follow.

What's the longest you've waited in line and what were you waiting for?

I hope you'll find what you were searching for here. In my newbie opinion, the rewards seem pretty satisfactory here and I saw a lot of big-earning writers. Stick to it, future whale :P

You have talent. My advice is to include a picture of yourself holding the steemit sign/date. People are more likely to upvote if they can put a face to it and to verify you. You can edit this one now or do a new one later. Do it. It is only a selfie :)

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