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RE: Introduction with a Lemonana (;

Welcome Emma, we'll be supporting you in your new adventure. My wife is also a bit anxious about putting herself out there and needs lots of encouragement which is strange to me as she is a Spa Therapist and is actually great with people, but we all have our own uniqueness to bring to humanity.

I wish you all the best here and looking forward to trying your lemonana. I'm going to add a little crushed ginger as a great natural antibiotic, but I throw ginger and garlic in about everything.

Have a good day


I throw ginger and garlic in about everything.

Two of the best ingredients. :)

Exactly, I love lots of flavour. Black pepper feta cheese, origanum, basil, crushed rosemary, raw honey and chilli are awesome things to cook with as well.

I love ginger ! by the way, it is me Allyson 😀


Hey I've got a question about the stiff leg barbell lift. I couldn't do it very well, partly because I was afraid I would break something, and part because my back started protesting. I ended up doing one set of 8-8-8 before I gave up. Not sure if I should have done something differently. Maybe next time we see you can explain how it's done properly?

Yes next time we will do it together, it is a tricky move, but I'll do my best to get the best out of your next workout!

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