Hello World Steemit

Hello Dunia Steemit, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya pada kesempatan ini,
langsung saja
Nama saya Aulia Riski dan sering di sapa (Peicong), saya berasal dari INDONESIA dan Umur saya masih 17 tahun sedang menjalani masa masa remaja.
Hobi saya bermain Game, musik, dan mendaki selain itu saya gemar dalam menggambar.
Saya bergabung dengan komunitas steemit ini melalui teman saya @vogard04 @putrakhan @zulmy @jipo
Disini saya ingin berbagi cerita mencari pengalaman melalui postingan saya di steemit dan melalui para para rekan steemit lainnya tentunya yang sudah lama bermain steemit,
Selain itu saya ingin belajar banyak tentang steemit
mohon dukungan sahabat steemit yang sudah tau banyak  tentang dunia steemit ini kepada saya
dan saya harap saya akan senantiasa selalu berbagi hasil yang terbaik dari saya melalui postingan yang akan selanjutnya saya bagikan .

Ikuti Saya @peicong77

Hello World Steemit, I would like to introduce myself on this occasion,
straight to
My name Aulia Riski and often in sapa (Peicong), I come from INDONESIA and my age is still 17 years were a period of adolescence.
My hobby is playing Game, music, and climbing besides that I love to Draw.
I joined this steemit community through my friend @vogard04 @putrakhan @zulmy @jipo
Here I want to share a story looking at the experience through my post steemit and through the other fellow steemit course that has long played steemit,
In addition I want to learn a lot about steemit
Please support steemit friends who already know a lot about this steemit world to me
And I hope I will always share the best results from me through the posts that I will then share.

Follow Me @peicong77


Welcome to Steem Nation

yes thanks you friends

Welcome to steem nation

Welcome to steemit: D

I wish you luck

yes thanks you friends

Very Good post My Friend.... I just Upvoted your post....

Please Follow Me & I Will Do The Same For You....

Please Upvote My post after visit my blog & Upovote this comment if you like....Thank You Once Again....

yes thanks my friends steemit im follow you

Welcome to Steemit !
I wish you all the best and good luck here, if you have any questions don't hesitate to text me here or in Steemit Chat.
Greetings from the best island in the world ;)

Welcome to Steem!

Welcome in steemit. Follow and upvote @peicong77.

yes thanks you friends

Welcome to the Steemit family. Looking forward to your posts. However, I only understand if it is in English. Enjoy your stay...just like I do.

Hi :) I hope your steemit life is good :)

Welcome to Steemit peicong77.

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