Greetings from Yorkshire... UK. Love and happy happenings... Love and light.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hi all… i'm new to steemit, though my profile i've had nearly twelve months. Slow getting started. Steemit really excites me… i'm looking forward to sharing some of my work and my life with you as a community. Please follow me if like my posts. i'm an artist, a photographer, a writer, a musician and singer-song writer… amongst other things. Some of my work i've already posted and shared, there's more to come… My life is about being and un-being, contradiction and unconditional love.

There's a divine feminine manifesting in the world, this will bring unity and respect and communion back into people's lives. This i believe to be true.

Pan is not a name, Pan is a way of being. A transcendental consciousness uniting us to a universal egregore, a collective unconscious. Pan is a multiverse of possibilities, a myriad of ways of existence... Pan is love, unconditional and free… Pan was with me and guided me through my early days of Magick and the jewels of the universe… The hidden treasures… The Life in Light. i developed twenty years ago a form of open Eye Meditation… The ability to see the surrounding dimensions. Philosophy, Art, Painting, Writing, Music, Nature, Healing, Dreaming, Meditation and contemplation, these are my practices. The Paranormal, Parapsychology, The Supernatural, Time Travel, The Astral. Unpredictability, Being and un-being and contradiction, are my interests. Love, Peace, Happy being, FreeWill… These are my rewards. The book 'Verse Versus Nothing' which i intend to share on Steemit for free, came from my experiences... This practice or way of been, (Pan) The search for the higher self... would lead me ten years later to the Latihan, Subud… then to Buddhism, Dzogchen. A journey now of thirty years. The last ten years has been more of a spiritual quest. Balancing Heart and mind, body and soul… Letting go. Now i spend a lot of my time been of service to others. Working for world Unity... Helping liberate and free all sentient beings. Living in the present, been present… as a present being.

There are many people believe that ascension is happening right now… i believe we are ascending and that we need to prepare spiritually, get ready for a shift in the Earths frequency and vibration. Get ready for the rebirth… A new life on Earth. We are an evolving consciousness... this is an evolution of consciousness... everyone is experiencing a shift in consciousness. The whole planet is changing... The whole solar system, in fact everything is changing. Which means too that we are changing, like it or not we have to change, it's the way. Change is stability. So much sadness in the world right now… Crimes against the spirit tear us apart in despair, what can be done. It's time to let go… Let go of the illusion of freewill. An unlearning is called for… An undoing. Unlearn the lies that have caused a division in the people. Undo the knots of deception. How do we see beyond the lies… Everything we've been taught is a lie… Everything! but so few believe this and even fewer do. How can we help ourselves? Forgiveness is great. Love and light, we don't have to fight if we accept change, change is good... it creates a whole new now... The world is not in a mess, it's just changing, evolving… and no matter what we do, we cannot stop this change from happening... We need to change with it, help it, learn from it… Have love and compassion and show it. We must not despair at the worlds negative events, the darkness wants to fill our minds with terror… See them as positive changes towards a new beginning. These events bring forth compassion and love, they bring forth unity… Embrace the opposing feelings… Unite with love, with light, with a spiritual understanding. As the old dies away, the new becomes stronger... Don't live in fear of the unknown, for therein is the truth of the known.

Love is the law of the strong… Love is something we all have in common. Unity is our shield against the darkness been cast by our rulers… Come together, love each other, find beauty in the averse and love all equally… This is the way to defeat the darkness. Love will lead us to the light... The light of love guides us all. Follow the heart. Evolve and become.
The ' i am' in you, is the 'i am' in me. Namaste.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction… Please feel free to contact me.


Welcome to Steemit @paniopan

Nice of you to join us. Since you write, you can participate in the 50 word story contest for new steemians being run by @literature-trail for an opportunity to win big. You can go over and check it out

Thank you... As i say, it takes me a while to get to know how things work. i'm looking forward to doing such things as the 50 word story contest... but right now i'm way too busy. Thank you for the welcome. Peace and love.

welcome to steemit...^^

Thank you...

Thank you... : )

good to see you finaly posting @paniopan. if you need any help with anything get in touch :-)

Thank you Steve for introducing Steemit to me... It's a great place to get ones works out. i will in touch, i have a few questions. Love and light. : )

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