
Hello and thanks much. We remodeled the house we are in in 2012. We had to move into the garage when we bought it. I was not able to go down to the studs because we had the evil banksters involved and I only had 6 months to remodel an entire house by myself. It turned out ok by my standards but I will redo part of it on my time if we stay here much longer. We paid it off in 3 years @lovenfreedom has a post how we did that. Actually were trying to get ourselves prepared to be more mobile as a family going forward. Who knows what tomorrow will bring us.

fascinating similarities ... at the time of the dot com era, someone asked me, "Why are you paying down your mortgage so aggressively when you can double your money on ... (some failed dot com start-up stock ... ;-) ... yeah I understood 'debt slavery' before it became as popular a term it is ... Well it figures we'd meet like-minded individuals, especially on the topic of finance here on steemit! Great meeting you! btw you can call me, 'Zig'

Hello Zig I followed you.

Oh yes, Stan ... the formality, thanks for reminding. I just followed you back, also.

btw, I, just like yourself also experienced effects from the youtube 'adpocolypse', with adsense arbitrarily changing the terms to 'no revenue' until after ten thousand views. New artists (or any youtubers who don't immediately 'go viral') would typically wait years before seeing a penny in this scheme ... Actually I'm an old (in reality 'mid-life') artist who finally prioritized music as a 'bucket list' item ...

I'm sticking it out on yt for the time being for these three reasons ... Dtube collects 'royalties' (you may say) for only the first week, whereas, providing YT doesn't capriciously change terms (which of course, it's proven a bad track record for that so far...) it pays ad revenue in perpetuity (theoretically). I'm fairly close to the new bar they set for ten thousand total views before adsense kicks-in (a new rule as of April 2017)... and lately I've been suffering with a Dtube "Error while submitting to the blockchain" ... I've asked around and no one has any suggestion that gets rid of this so far. I may need to set up IPFS which I will once I get a machine I'm willing to commit as a 'shared resource' (amongst well-deserving individuals, it seems) but my first upload to Dtube was difficult, but did finally go through without IPFS, so I'm mostly confused on the matter now ...

Anyway, best of luck to you!

Screenshot from 2018-01-25 22-29-39.png

We have been well over the new threshold for quite awhile and have never been approved yet. It just says in review for months now. I don't think they will ever approve us so we quit putting content there.
For the error your getting you need to log into diffferently
You use your steemit id then for your password, go to your steemit wallet, click on permissions you use the posting key for your password on that will fix your problem

Wow great!!! I really appreciate this tip, Stan!! OK, I'll give it a shot, next time I try an upload... But I think you've found it.... If my memory serves me correctly, I did use my steemit password for the 'successful' DTube upload, and in these latest failed attempts, I used the Private Posting Key ... I think you found 'the key' to my problem, I am indebted to you!

...and I appreciate your 'heads up' ... I presumed your YT channel was related to 'home improvement/custom woodwork' and one would think there would be lots of advertisers ready to cut you an endorsement deal as you obviously have an established fan base (Congratulations!) ... If that's so, I'm likely sunk there, my music videos, if not 'artistic/avant garde' can be Rock with social/politcal commentary, 'ad guidelines' being as such...

I just found out that they have a new Subscriber threshold 1000 and hours viewed in the past month 4000 hrs. Good luck with that Google. Assholes!

So, from what you're saying, they went from "We'll review your account when you get 10,000 views" to "No adsense until 1000 subscribers and 4000/month views"?!

Hmm, and our content that gets seen on YT Red ... YT does effectively accumulate revenue on our content ... I wonder if that happens to us both or perhaps an entire class of youtube content providers, whose terms of service seem to change at a whim ...

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