M 🕴 D E

Good name is better than riches they say.

Mide Mide... a name given to me by a special someone very dear and close to my heart.

Mide is my name tag as we all know everyone has got a name. My name is special cause it’s my name and it’s special cause I made it so.

A name is 50% your identity, so you see how important your name is. Names are used to identify culprits and also used to identify great people, so whatever you wanna be identify with is gonna be your decision

Your reputation is built on your name, your achievements are gonna be described with your name, your Fame has it roots firmly in your {Prenom}name. No human nor thing without a name

In plant’s world names are used to identify plants and to classify them, in the ocean... every aquatic animal has a name except the undiscovered species

Name ranges from Surname{last name} which is the family name, middle name, first name, nick names, cyber name and lots more

The origin of a particular name maybe based of religion, culture or traditions, revelation, Love, hatred, war, success, failure or whatever circumstances

The name is a traveler and it travels more than the bearer. The name doesn’t die, with the element of time it could only be forgotten.

My name is @olumideolowoyeye and my name is precious DB0FEC8B-C9D8-45FD-8394-7EFC2F57F18D.jpeg


hello @olumideolowoyeye and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.

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