Finally Introducing Myself, And Introducing My "New" CarsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

I'm @nxtblg , and this post is my 2,000th. It's also my first post in the Introduce Yourself category.

I'm one of those oldbies who still feels like a newbie. :) Joining in May of 2016, I signed up only after seeing several promo posts in the Altcoin Discussion board at Bitcointalk. As is typical for the board, there was a lot of disparagement of Steemit: I still remember several bad-mouthers calling it a 'Ponzi scheme'. It didn't occur to them that Bitcoin itself had been called the same thing. Human nature being what it is, the crypto sphere is ridden by "fight above, kick below."

Eleven Month Absence, Hard Lessons...

About a year ago, right at the beginning of the Year of Crypto, I vanished from Steemit. A large part of the reason was U.S. politics. As President Trump's victory demonstrated, the political game had changed hard. Since I was writing about politics under my own name, I felt obliged to overhaul my mental equipment.

After a lot of noodling around, I buried myself in the theory of the managerial revolution. Originally formulated by James Burnham in 1941, it was extended and deepened by the late Sam Francis in both his Chronicles columns and his magisterial, if challenging, work Leviathan and its Enemies.

In a nutshell, the theory of the managerial revolution says that bourgeois-capitalist society has been replaced by a new type of political system, managerialism. Instead of the owner-operator businessperson, the "Representative Man" of this age is the manager: a person equipped through formal education with skills of organization, direction, control and suchlike, as well as specialized highly technical skills. Unlike the bourgeois person, the managerial person is at bottom indifferent to the size of government. In many cases, managerialists see opportunity in an expansion of Big Government. If they oppose the growth of government or seek a rollback, it's essentially on pragmatic grounds. Managerialists, unlike bourgeois, have no principled objection to Big Government above and beyond sentiments.

The theory of the managerial revolution explains a lot about politics that's otherwise inexplicable, such as the passivity of the masses, the apparent inability of populist movements to get their acts together, and the de-facto power of the Deep State. At street level, it explains the change from people being inner-directed (motivated by conscience) to other-directed (motivated by the opinions of others.)

(If your interest is sparked, @richq11 has a good feel for managerialism in his post "Cultural Marxism: Endgame Of The Elites.")

Given that I'm a writer, part of my mental retooling was writing about it. I currently have an unfinished manuscript, with a happy ending on how cryptocurrency will transcend managerialism, that grew to >42,000 words. :) Banging it out, and editing it from an extended brain-dump, goes a long way to explaining why I was absent for such a long time.

...And A Humbling Lesson

Another hard lesson I had to learn: I wasn't the good trader that I thought I was. I was one of those folks who not only gained six figures in the Year of Crypto, but also lost six figures due to my emotional inaptness as a trader.

There's an important lesson for anyone who's tantalized by riches from trading: crypto trading is like the proverbial one-armed bandit that sucks you in with the occasional jackpot. The only way I've made and kept big money is through buying and holding. If you're a so-called /biztard, this lesson is the one you need to know. Take it from me: the humble pie you have to eat will inoculate you from blowing your wad.

To this end, the Steem Power feature is a great way to keep you on the buy-and-hold track. It's one reason why I never sold a single satoshi of STEEM that I sent to my wallet. Since the power-down takes thirteen weeks, you're obliged to think hard before selling any. Also, you have to think of the price over the next three months. This acts as a further restraint against hasty selling, not to mention imprudent or foolish trading.

How's this for irony: Steem Power was precisely the feature that the Bitcointalk badmouthers focused on when calling it a Ponzi scheme!

And Now, The Car!

I did salvage enough funds to pay down some of the debt hanging over my head.

Also, enough for my first car - and for an unofficial vanity plate:

Okay, it's far from a Lambo :) It's a 2011 Nissan Versa, which I got used from Executive Motors of Scarborough. I got a good car from them - one mechanic I took it to called it "very well maintained" - at more than $1,300 below list. When I took it in for a Safety Standard Certificate inspection, the only parts I needed to replace were two brake shoes that were slightly below the standards spec. Even with that inspection and repair, it was ~$1,000 below book.

Though an entry-level car, it's pretty durn good!

Gas-sipper, peppy on the streets, well-maintained before I got it. And everywhere I drive, the folks around me see this:

Who knows how many people have fired up their phones to Google "STEEMIT" to find out what it is!

Thanks for reading!

And I hope that you take the buy-and-hold lesson to heart.


Thanks for the mention my friend! Wait until you see my car (next month I think- I hope) I have a shot at a 1997 Mercedes SL 600 (V-12) in perfect shape for $5000 ($135,000 - $150,000 new). I know the owner and have driven it. It's not like sitting in a car, it's like being embraced.

I learned my lesson about buy-and-hold too. I kept buying and doing a freak-out sell when a dip occured. When I got locked out of my Bittrex acct it was at $226. When I got back in 4 mos later it was $1400. I learned to leave well enough alone. Wonderful advice about not powering down (I had to out of necessity)... It's literally "Money in the Bank!"

Thanks yourself for the resteem! I sure can relate to you buying a vintage Mercedes: before I got into crypto, I bought myself an '80s Mercedes that was on its last legs. The thing needed a brake job badly, and would have cost about 5x what I paid to have it certified roadworthy.

(Not as bad as it sounds, because I bought it for less than $400.)

In Ontario where I live, car insurance is mandatory. I'm sure you've guessed that it's also expensive. :) It's why I gave up on that Mercedes: I could get it driveable,but it would have cost too much to drive. All told, better for me: I got a lot of exercise through walking.

Once you get your car, do you plan to get a vanity plate like mine? Having a Mercedes with STEEMIT on the plate would look damned fine!

Ins is mandatory in Arkansas as well... One good thing is that I can get an antique plate (you never have to renew). I can get a steemit plate for the front to go with my decal.

The only thing wrong with this one is that the radio doesn't work and the AC (a must in Ark) needs a charge... it's got 4 brand new tires. The one drawback is that the hard top is a pain in the ass to get off if you want to use the convertible top. You have to use pulleys and a hoist!

Well then, there's no need to worry about your muscles getting flabby. ;)

Heck: if you enjoy being Mr. Fixit, you'll prolly grow to love that car.

This is awesome. I just happened to stumble upon your post because of a comment you made on someone elses blog and decided to find out more. It looks like you're a Toronto guy, I was born just outside the city, in a little place called Milton, ever heard of it?
It looks like you managed to get in on steem early and still make some nice profits, early adopter advantage for sure. I also feel ya with my trading ups and downs, it is such an emotional rollercoaster for sure. Make a few good trades and then you think you're king of the world haha. Like you said, the beauty of SP is that it's locked for at least 13 weeks.

Alright, I'll stop this novel here, looking forward to seeing what you're up to in the future. Go Raps!

Yep, I'm a Toronto guy and I have heard of Milton. Thanks for the comment!

hi nxtblg...good job. follow me and follow you

Thank you, and thanks for the resteem.

Omg! You got the plate!!! That is the coolest thing ever!!!

Yeah, I did. Thankfully the authorities hadn't heard of Steemit, or they might have denied it to me on the opinion that it was a trademark or suchlike. :)

U r the only person in your State with this plate!! How fricken awesome. I still can’t get over it..hehe

I was thinking of getting: VERIPPT from my two favorite tokens:

Province; I'm Canadian. But it is the biggest province in Canada, by far.

You could get more than one vanity plate, I imagine. ;-)

Ooooh, that's a sweet ride! Love the plates - good thinking...

I'll skip the political portion as it does nasty things to my blood pressure. One stroke was enough. ;~P

I'm too new to crypto to do other than learn as much as I can and stick to mini-trades for now.

Thanks a lot for your kind words, and for your feedback about politics. I've had sense that political writing isn't very popular 'round here, and your post gives a good reason why.

Ooooh, that's a sweet ride! Love the plates - good thinking...

Believe it or not, I was hesitant about showing it here because I was afraid that I'd unintentionally step on a toe or two. Shows you how much I've learned about "permissionless." :-)

No worries on political talk as it's all over the platform AND all over the spectrum. That's a good thing and can foster understanding between vastly different perspectives!

My comment was just addressing my personal take and why I rarely engage - I had a stroke in June of 2016. I do have strong opinions, so found that the present political climate a very volatile discussion space. I had to reduce my stress, so I made an obvious and conscious choice to dis-engage for health reasons.

I say go for it and have a blast. Oh, and be prepared for 'incoming'. Steemit IS the wild west for a lot of subjects!

Oh dear, I'm sorry about your troubles. By all means, keep your stress down.

Thanks for the encouragement. Part of the reason I put the politics before the car was to use this post as a trial balloon.

Thanks and other than a little hitch in my speech, I'm back up to speed.

Judging by the amount you've reached so far, I don't think you have to worry about anymore trial runs. ;~D

I'm glad to hear you're recovering.

Judging by the amount you've reached so far, I don't think you have to worry about anymore trial runs. ;~D

Yyyeahhh... To be honest, it started out slow and I half-expected it to stay slow. Comes with being shy. :)


Just take it at a pace that's comfortable for you. That's one of the best thing about this place!

Welcome 'back' nxtblg... I thoroughly enjoyed reading your 'introductory' piece. Your writing style is captivating; it flows well and makes for a comfortably, comprehensible read. I'm interested in following your work. Regards, @angryman Have a happy day; enjoy the ride.

hey @nxtblg...good job. follow me and follow you..resteem your post sir...

Happy 2000th, and "welcome" to Steemit LOL!


Go figure: I got so excited yesterday, what with me introducing the car and all, I splayed Steemit with comments. ~24 hours later, I'm up to 2061!


Why not? really, that is a basic function of the steemchain, to engage with each other!

this is my welcome UpvoteD to you @nxtblg, THANKS FOR JOINING STEEMIT. ^_^

Nice car fab registration lol and its nice to know more about you :)

Thanks, @karenb24 . I was actually hesitant about introducing it 'cause I'm a bit shy. :)

Karnb54 lol don't be shy you can be whoever you want to be :)

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