Hello Steemit World




Hello Steemit,
My name is Jamie. Registered Nurse Jamie if you come through my Emergency Room. The following is a little about myself. I'm still getting the hang of what Steemit is all about. But I enjoy writing and blogging and posting about my family and life. I'm a H-U-G-E Marilyn Monroe and Prince fan. RIP. I love good wine, Italian food, motorcycles, tattoos, pin-ups, hot-rods and helping people.

Business Owner

My husband and I have owned and operated a motorcycle repair shop for almost 8 years now. Blue Collar Bike Werks. Check it out here and leave us some reviews. https://www.facebook.com/bluecollar.bikewerks/ Our main webpage is currently being rebuilt. My husband @harleymechanix is a certified Harley Mechanic and has 16 years experience in the industry. At Harley dealerships (where we met) and in our own shop. Our place is truly a family run business where everyone pitches in to help.

This is at The Republic Of Texas Biker Rally a few years ago.

Family Life

My kids are my life. My husband and I sacrifice a lot to make sure one of us is at home with our kids. We decided early on that we didn't want strangers in a daycare raising our kids. In practice this means I work at night and my husband works days. We both put in long hours and work hard to provide things for our kids that we didn't have growing up. But it does feel like some days we are just passing each other on the way to another football/soccer/cheerleading/gymnastics practice.

With Lili starting kinder, both kids are in private school. While it is crazy expensive the benefits of watching our kids actually learn and work hard is immeasurable. That is something that is increasingly rare in the American Public School System these days. My son started out in public school and we tried hard to make it work but it was a struggle. His progress in private school makes it more and more apparent every day that we made the right decision investing in their education.

My Mini Me

My Little Man



Working in the E.R. overnights and weekends is challenging in itself. Couple that with earning my Masters degree online and being a full time mom and I have my work cut out for me.
But helping people is what I live for and I wouldn't trade it for anything. (Well, maybe professional taste tester at Godiva Chocolates)
I have always been that motherly figure to friends and family and strangers alike. Patient advocacy and care is very rewarding.
I'm sure everyone by now has seen the viral video of Nurse Alex Wubbels being dragged out and arrested in a Utah hospital in the middle of a shift. She was doing her job and advocating for her unconscious patient. If you haven't seen it I have posted it below. The hospital she works for has already changed their policy for interacting with law enforcement. I am not one for our overly litigious society. But I hope her lawyers nail this psychopathic bully. Sadly it will be the taxpayers who foot the bill.

So be nice to your nurse and remember they choose what size catheter you get.

My Goal Here

I'm not sure really what to expect here. I have been watching my husband post and document part of our lives on Steemit for the last few months. This community seems to be welcoming and fun. I plan to contribute where I can with my knowledge of healthcare. I WILL post A LOT of pictures of my kids and Prince videos. (So fair warning) But I'll try to keep the soccer mom stuff in check. This platform is intriguing and seems like the wave of the future. I'm just thankful that I am along for the ride.

Our Little Family


--Nurse Jamie


Hello, @nursejamie ! Great post! Nice family. And interesting history about​ the ​ size of the ​catheter​. :-)
I followed you and UpVoted you! Very cool that you are here! Steem on!
I wish you happiness! You will be happy on SteemIt!

Thank you for the follow and upvote.

Theres a saying in medicine.
--The nurses are there to keep the doctors from killing the patients.

Welcome my sweet daughter. Mom's got an acct now and hope to make an introduction close to as good as yours!!! Love you

Hello nurse :) upvoted indeed
Welcome to steemit!

welcome to steem family.

Thank you thank you!

Welcome :)

Oh my god, Dad is like 7 feet tall!!!

Yes. Yes I am.

Im 6'4 :( im jelous now ahahah

Im not really 7 foot. Actually 6'3 so you got me beat. But my beard is longer (and grayer) so there! LOL

Gave you a follow homie.

Them hands tho... you could slap the soul outta someone...

Yeah......my dad says I don't have hands.........I got paws.

Lol you guys!

Welcome aboard. Smart move with being with the kids. Funny what men think dating a nurse would be like. LOL

Thank you. Yeah the glamorous life of a nightshift nurse!

Well, you have one of the most important jobs on the planet. If it were not for nurses we would be in a world of hurt. You all should get 3 X more pay and recognition for all that you do!

Welcome to Steemit! Enjoy your stay here - hope to see more of y'all around! Going to follow the two of u! 😎

You're welcome! My pleasure. This place and it's people seems allright somehow I think I'll stay 😇

With all the Nanny abuse on the News, My Wife and i feel like it would be irresponsible of us to leave our children with strangers.. You just never know ; and you would definitely have to have a hidden camera if you did hire a Nanny..

We had a few high profile cases here locally of abuse. One was at a highly recommended daycare. It ultimately shut that business down after 20 years. The other was at a church's Mothers Day Out program. You really cannot know for sure and don't trust anybody.

Welcome to Steem @nursejamie I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Wow, great post and wonderful family

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