Self Introduction // 自己介绍

Self Introduction//自己介绍

My Avatar

Hello Everyone!

I'm only now getting around to doing the rest of the Welcome page To Do List. Mostly because of item number three, setting up the profile, avatar, and cover image.


I'm not what you would call graphically inclined. Some might even say I'm graphically challenged. There's just nothing that beats a good text interface. So when I reached item three I started goolging and looking at other people's stuff and I couldn't decide on something that would fit me. So, I pulled up a terminal and I started playing with Image Magick.


This is what I ended up with for my cover image. It may seem strange to put this in the article, but I'll probably change them in the near future, so I'm putting them here to preserve what they used to be.

My Cover Image

If anyone is curious, this is how I created my avatar:

    convert -size 128x128 xc:transparent -fill \#424D42 -stroke \#1F1A17 -font DejaVu-Sans -pointsize 128 -gravity center -draw "text 0,0 '☺'" avatar.png

And this is how I created my cover image:

    convert -size 1280x200 gradient:white-\#424D42 -fill \#424D42 -stroke \#1F1A17 -font DejaVu-Sans -pointsize 400 -gravity center -draw "text 0,0 '☺'" cover.png

Yeah, they're kind of plane and bleak, but it'll do for now. If I see other stuff that looks neat, I might add more. For now, I can check off item three and move on to four and finally five.


Which is where we are now: My introduction. I read a bunch of posts about getting started and they suggested using an actual selfie for the avatar, and sharing details like your name, and then I closed those tabs and went back to editing content that I wanted to post. I'm something of a private person. I'm not going to share those details. I will say that I enjoy languages, technology, writing, gaming, and solving problems.


Sorry for such a short intro, but if you read the stuff I post, that'll probably give you a better idea of what I'm like than any summary I might be able to put here.


See you around.



Welcome Friend!

A new Steemian ^^ hello @not-a-bird I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

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