[Original Contene] Single Life is Best Life...Isn't it?

Hello, I am Nishad Hasan (@nishadhasan). I am from Bangladesh and living in the capital of Bangladesh, which is called "Dhaka". Have you guys ever heard about DHAKA City. If now then check the Wikipedia Link. It will give you a brief information about our city. 

I am living here with my elder brother and his wife. I am a student of Computer Science and Engineering. I am also doing a job. Every day morning I just woke up from sleep. Ger fresh and dressed. Just took my breakfast and went for Office. After working whole day I went for my university. At night I came back to home and take my dinner go to bed. 

Same schedule every day. So, I don't have any relationship. Just focusing on my future. Want to be happy. I have no girlfriend so I have no pain. Living my life as I want to live. 

Sometimes I go for visit to a new place. It give me refreshment. I enjoyed a lot. i have some friends. They are just awesome. Spending time with then it's just memorable. 

Please pray for me. 

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