Best regards, I hope you are great.

in #introduceyourself5 years ago


The objective of this communication is to begin to know each other, we are the only marketing and advertising agency in the world that includes financial services, the three services performed worldwide. This in order to take us into account at the time they need us.

The purpose of this account is to touch many topics such as #MLB #NFL #INDYCAR #Business #Ecommerce # Music #Marketing #Advertising # Movies #Health #Travel Financial Transactions including cryptocurrencies and any important news. In addition, we will be posting videos in #DTUBE which we hope you like.

If you wish to follow us on #Twitter, the account is @NEYTVMEDIA and the same on #Youtube NEYTVMEDIA
a fraternal embrace of everything


Hi and welcome here! When I started on steemit, my biggest problem was to find interesting people to interact with. So, to help newcomers getting started I created a directory with other interesting and or talented steemians to follow or interact with. Feel free to check it out at I am sure it will help you find like-minded people. Enjoy your stay here and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Welcome to Steem neytv! Partiko is officially the fastest and most popular mobile app for Steem. Unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded with Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!

Partiko for Android can be downloaded here on Google Play and the iOS version is available here on the App Store.

If you have more questions, feel free to join our Discord channel and ask, we're always here to help!

Thank you so much for your interest!

Welcome neytv!
eSteem is the application that improves your experience on Steem. You have full control over your data and content, unlike some apps we don't use our users to promote our application or services.

We have Mobile application for Android and iOS users. We also have developed Surfer Desktop application that helps you to gain new followers and stay connected with your friends, unique features - notifications, bookmarks, favorites, drafts, and more.
We reward our users with encouragement upvotes as well as monthly giveaways rewarding Spotlight top users and active Discord users.
Learn more:
Join our discord:

Welcome to steemit @neytv.

Welcome the new steemians. Have a great day!

Hola @neytv, veo que estas empezando en Steemit por lo cual te doy la bienvenida, en esta oportunidad aprovecho para compartirte algo sobre la etiquetas:
Tomando en cuenta que éstas son muy importantes para que los post lleguen al nicho que deben de llegar, la etiqueta #steem solo se usa cuando el post tiene como tema principal a la criptomoneda Steem; #steemit solo se usa cuando el post tiene como tema principal a la Red Social Steemit, por ejemplo: cantidad de usuarios hispanos, guías y cursos sobre el tema, proyectos de mejoras, sistemas de seguridad en la red, plataformas de apoyo a la red social, etc.; #spanish, #castellano y #espanol cuando el post está escrito en español; la primera etiqueta es considerada "categoría" y no se puede modificar.
Entra a la lista de tag para que escojas las más apropiadas dándole click aquí.
Puedes indagar algo más sobre las etiquetas entrando por y agregando después de la barra oblicua ( / ) la palabra que desees usar como etiqueta para ver si existe.
Cuenta con nuestro apoyo para que tu experiencia en steemit sea todo un éxito

Muchas gracias ¡¡¡ @acostaeladio Que me puedes informar sobre el monedero ?

¿Te refieres al monedero de Steemit?
Recuerda eliminar la etiqueta #spanish ya que ese fue el objetivo del primer comentario

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 62904.98
ETH 3359.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46