Raped by my husbands best friend

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)


After reading jesika's post: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@jesika/i-was-raped-on-my-wedding-night
Thank you Jesika for opening the door for others to comfortably share their vulnerable stories!
I felt compelled and comfortable to finally share my story despite being extremely personal. Now I wasn't raped by my forced arranged husband, but my now ex-husbands best friend.

Some friends introduced me to someone they knew that worked in the mall. He was the classic salesman trying to make it in America. We hung out a lot for a little while. Then one day he sold my happy, go-lucky, gullible self that love was growing between us & asked me to marry him.

But weeks after we married when he had me drop him off at the airport for work. He had me get something out of his backpack when he had a bunch of condoms. His attitude that followed was the classic for a guy that didn't really care that he was sleeping around! FLAG!

Then around 2 weeks after that, I stopped by his work. He insisted that I needed to go hurry & pick up his shoes from the townhouse(best friend lived with him) before the shoe company closed for repairs. So like a good wife, I did what he said.

When I arrived at the house, his best friend greeted me & insisted I come get the shoes upstairs. Asshole told me "oh his shoes are in the bedroom." So naturally being so gullable not having any clue about what was about to happen, I went to get the shoes out of the bedroom where I thought my husband left them. Happened that they were near the bed...

He walked into the bedroom quickly once I had walked into the bedroom. Thats when he pushed me down onto the bed. I kept trying to stand up. I kept repeating "stop messing around, I have to hurry, he's waiting on me to bring his shoes." Instead of continuing to repeatedly pushing me down onto the bed or letting me leave, he pushed me face down and raped me with a disgusting smile on his face. I was yelling "no, stop!" He laughed and kept telling me, "oh you know you want it." I just kept trying to get away, pushing him, and kept saying "no, stop!"

When it was finally over I was in such shock and anger that I hurried and took off.
When i told my husband he just yelled at him over the phone and told me to stay away from him.

I couldn't believe what had just happened, or that I had ever allowed him even near my friends and family! I wouldn't admit to myself that I was raped for months! I thought after being molested as a young teen, I was strong/smart enough to at least realize the signs/flags.

Within a month I collected my things and filled for divorce. Unfortunately, I still owe my parents the money for covering for my divorce and saving me from that horrible situation. Besides, $2,600 is a small price to pay to get away.

Learn from my mistakes! Dont trust people blindly, it may just ruin you! I really dont believe being gullible is okay anymore either. Makes you vulnerable for people like him to take advantage of you!
However, after a lot of heartache, I have been able to move on from that horrible day.
Almost 6 years later, from the most vulnerable/gullible to healthy and happy!
Thank you to everyone who helped me passed those horrible days!


WOW... Thank you! That's so disgusting, men and women are raped everyday! It's one of the worst things to happen & will never be the same! To scam people about something so horrible! Clearly, no morals!

There are some sick people out there. I don't know what else to say.

This is SPAM to make money like all the other Rape Articles. Im going to make one to since I was raped.

I shared my story to help people understand that there are people you think you can trust and may not be trust worthy. Yes, I am a nanny working for lower wages. But that doesn't mean I would EVER spam lies about the second worst day of my life. Anyone doing so/saying such things to someone about one of the worst things in the world... really shitty. I don't need to defend/explain to someone that wants to act like a human with no compassion.

Girl, where's the police report? The hospital rape kit? Where's the SWAT team and CSI evidence squad? Do you mean to say, that in the year 2016, you an empowered modern woman, are going to just let it all slide and see if you can make any side cash out of it on Steem?

Are you serious? Holy f#*&# shit. How dumb do you think we are?

Shoe guy is still out there probably violently attacking other women (getting worse by the day) and you're doing nothing about it.

Like I said I was in complete shock! He made me feel like it was my fault. It wasn't until I got away from the situation that I was able to start looking back at what happened and finally recognize what really happened to me.

It was also back in 2010. I was the type of person to value every single life. Now I know better than that if anyone tries to do that to me again. Nothing can really prepare you for it or the utter shock.

So basically, there's nothing I can legally do with no evidence. Especially since I am sure you can guess a shower was one of the firsts things on my mind...even if the shock had passed quickly.

What on earth are you on about? You don't know what it means when a man forces his penis into you against your will?

That's a fucking crime, he needs to do serious time for that. Why are you enabling him and others like the guy?

I am sorry if you feel like I was enabling him. I never would. Yes, he is clearly dangerous when I look back at it. My life was more important to my family while I recuperated from such a horrible shocking event. I can't really help you understand what mentally happened to me, nor how shock/disbelief overtook me.

what a worthless husband, your smart to get out of that marriage.

Good that you are happy again. I had my fair share of violence happening to me too. The grinding pain and destruction of constant bullying over a long period of time, and the short and hard shock of getting beaten down and robbed.

The body reaction to the memory is getting weaker over time

Time certainly helps heal.

What is the name of your husband's best friend?
you should expose him by name so other people looking him up on the net
are warned about who they are dealing with and he doesnt continue to rape people.

His name is Koby, he moved back to Israel I believe. (ex-husband*)

His complete name I mean, First and Last Name,
there are many Kobes in the world


well, that wont help us expose him,
how would that reveal your location?
I dont understand

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