Steemit Introduction. Hello Steemians!

I've been on steemit for a few days now, so I suppose I should do a post introducing myself :) How rude of me to not introduce myself before now!
First, a verification picture that I took after I uncovered my webcam:

Okay, that's terrible quality and mirror image. Let's try again with my trusty ol' iPhone:
Not much better quality (I know, the lighting's bad) and I have a slightly manic look on my face, but at least my placard is in focus!

Okay, on to me. I bared one of the most raw parts of my soul in my post about dealing with insomnia. So if you really want to know me, just go read that post. Just kidding. Insomnia doesn't define me, any more than any of the other things I've experienced or done.

Let me start with my username, @natator88. 1988 is the year I was born, so I'm 28. I'm starting to feel my age, too. Every now and then I have a panic attack about how when I'm 29, it'll be the last year of my 20s. Natator is the genus of my favorite species of sea turtle, the Flatback Sea Turtle, Natator depressus. Did I mention I'm a biologist? I just earned my M.S. in Biology. My thesis was on stress physiology of Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles. Want to know any more? Just ask. For now, I will provide you with a picture of me grinning like a fool while holding a cute Kemp's Ridley: DSCF2161.JPG

Why is the Flatback my favorite sea turtle species, you ask? Not much is known about them. They have a very limited distribution on the northern coast of Australia, and whenever discussing the seven species of sea turtles, the Flatback is almost always listed "data deficient." I'm a champion for the underdog. Fun fact: the Flatback is the only of the seven species of sea turtles I've not seen.

I've liked turtles for a long time. Here's a picture of me holding my pet turtle, a Western Painted Turtle, Chrysemys picta bellii. (I always use Latin names for species when I can. It's an annoying habit I have, I know.) This picture was taken many moons ago. See, I am showing my age!

I don't know if you noticed the t-shirt I was wearing in the sea turtle picture, but I'm from the United States, specifically North Dakota. A tiny town in North Dakota. And North Dakota isn't known for its sprawling metropolises. I like some stereotypical North Dakota things, like fleece blankets and hockey:
Before you ask, no, I don't sound like a Norwegian from the movie "Fargo." I'm not Norwegian, or any sort of Scandinavian. My Dad was military, so that's how I ended up here.

As I mentioned, I recently completed my M.S. in Biology. I earned that at a university in Louisiana, and did some stereotypical Louisiana things, like wrassle alligators, eat King cake, and attend Mardi Gras:

I also love to read books. One post I intend to make on here is a list of all the books I've read in the past 6 months or so. Since I've graduated, I've noticed an uptick in both the quality and quantity of books I've read. Here is the set I'm currently reading by Nassim Taleb:

I also love horses. I grew up with a Shetland pony and my grandmother raises American Saddlebreds. My favorite breed is the Tennessee Walking Horse, because if you can get them to rack, it's the smoothest thing you'll ever feel!

I recently met one of my heroines, Dr. Sylvia Earle, at an ichthyological and herpetological conference I recently attended. Here is a picture of me fangirling as she autographs her book, The World is Blue.

This picture sums up a bunch of other random things about me:
As you can see, I like to stick out my tongue, play Xbox, am addicted to my phone and laptop, love anything Tolkien (hence the Smaug t-shirt), and, if you can tell that's a Penguins emblem on my sweatshirt, I'm a huge Pittsburgh Penguins hockey fan. Go Pens!

I love to travel. Here are pictures from some of the coolest places I've been:
Costa Rica


Windsor Castle 5.JPG
London and Windsor Castle




A gondola with gondolier in Venezia.JPG

Las Vegas


Mississippi Coast

North Carolina

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San Francisco

I want to travel more, particularly outside of the U.S. I learn so much about the world, other cultures, and myself when I travel.

If there's one thing I love more than all of these things in this post put together (besides my family!), it's my dog. He's a shelter rescue (which I strongly believe in over breeding) and a beautiful Husky-German Shepherd mix.

Whew! That's enough egotism for one day. Hope it wasn't too boring!

P.S. I have to give a shout-out to my Mom, who took the majority of the pictures!
P.P.S. I apologize for my sense of humor. People tell me it's very dry, and most people can't tell when I'm serious or joking. In case you decide to follow me, just err on the side of caution and assume I'm joking, because I am rarely serious.
P.P.P.S. Feel free to follow me on twitter @5m4ug. I mostly just rant about libertarian things and post a lot when the Pittsburgh Penguins play, but sometimes I say something interesting.


Welcome @natator88, 'that's just me chilling with an alligator in my hands' :p. Nice picks and intro, and no worries about hitting 30, it is not what it used to be. You can still play xbox with your tongue out :p.

Haha thanks! I have many more pics of me just chilling with an alligator. All juveniles, of course, although I do have one of me sitting on an adult. They're surprisingly soft!

And thanks for the kind words about aging - as long as I can still play xbox I think I'll be ok :)

I can't say I have any photos with an alligator, I need to get out more :p. Alligators are soft to sit on, I think you have your next post.

yeah welcome to steemit wow massive introduction and fun ands your rescue dogs name is ?

Cool. We are glade to see you ))))

Keep that smile and being active!

wow hockey, aligators i dont want to mess with you!
Anyway welcome to steemit have fun and teach us a few things about the animal world and biology!

Hey there, @natator88! Welcome to Steemit.

Welcome to steemit @natator88 =) It's good to see new people around here. Best wishes !

Whoah! Welcome to Steemit. We hope you are successful here.

Howdy, and welcome to Steemit. Greatly enjoyed your intro post, now going back to catch up on some older posts. It's so cool you are into herps, and sea turtles. I was vacationing in Florida years ago, and hooked up with the turtle volunteers walking the beaches. That was amazing. Got to work with them for 2 weeks. Really enjoyed going out at night and looking for crawls and nests and all the rest. Amazing creatures... it was a great vacation.

Looking forward to seeing what you post on here. Though I'm not sure I can take anyone seriously that has a sense of humour about them.

PS. That concentrative tongue thing is a genetic advantage some of us have. I've assured my friends it is a type of surface-based osmotic gradient, much like the surface of the skin on Lithobates catesbeianus for moisture absorption, except in we humans it is primarily used for increased oxygenation when the brain is "really whirring". Think they actually believed me. I guess it's all how you couch it.
Well, I've written a tome here...welcome once more.

Anyone who's a friend of sea turtles is a friend of mine! Thanks for the welcome!

Welcome. I thought Antifragile was a great book. Haven't read the rest of the set. I look forward to your summary posts. ; -)

I'm only on "Fooled by Randomness" (I'm a bit OCD so I have to read them in the order he wrote them) even though Antifragile is probably his most popular. I also recently followed him on Twitter and Medium, and have watched a ton of his YouTube videos and listened to a bunch of podcasts with him.

Wow. I've followed him on facebook for a year or two, but I haven't kept up with his other sites.

If you like Taleb's stuff, you may also enjoy Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science, although that's starting to get old now.

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