Friends steemians .. maybe there are among us who have to compare ourselves with others about the advantages and disadvantages that exist within us .. What is worse if we feel inferior with the deficiencies that exist in us .. Whereas if we reflungi more depth each person must have advantages and disadvantages, including ourselves ..

The desire to be somebody else often confuses our own because there are too many pretenses that we are sure to do. We do not know what we really want and want, because we do not dare to be ourselves and not be honest with ourselves.


Basically every human is born uniquely, in the sense that each of them has their own talents and expertise which of course is different from each other. In order to be brave to be ourselves datalah advantages we have, then we develop more leverage, undoubtedly we will believe that we too have talents and skills that are not owned by others ..

The most precious thing that is in us is to be yourself and not be too pushy to be someone else. Our shortcomings and strengths are governed by God, so what we have today is a gift from God that we must be grateful for because it is the best thing He gives us. It would be more beautiful if we increase what our strengths to cover the shortcomings we have rather than constantly feeling inferior to the shortcomings that exist ...

My brother .. the word gratitude becomes the main keyword to be yourself. We are many shortcomings, but do not let the deficiency makes us inferior in looking at life. Be grateful for all that is in our hands and try to maximize it to produce the best.

There is no magic recipe for a self-confidence, but there are some daily habits that can keep you on the right track. Whether under pressure, promise, boredom or feeling uneasy, Savvysugar offers tips to help you boost your confidence and build positive behavior.

Here are tips for loving yourself:

1. Surround yourself with Positive People

Interests and behavior can infect each other, so if you want to increase your confidence try to stay friends with people who are confident. Remember that people who are always struggling with their unrest will get you the same.

2. Become a Planner

Organized is the key to always feeling good in everyday life, so make sure all the work you have to do is included in the top list of your activities. Hurry, late work and missed deadlines will only keep you in anxiety. But you can avoid all these calamities by simply making all the to-do lists.

3. Have a Fun Time

To be yourself, you need to take the time to work on your favorite hobbies and interests. Whether it's just a walk, reading a book or doing an art activity, you need to prioritize time for activities that will keep you calm.

4. Enough Sleep

If you feel tired and fallen, then your interest and confidence will definitely be affected. You need energy to socialize and produce, so try to avoid the things that make you tired by doing enough rest.

5.Receive Award In Yourself

If you do not stop and recognize your daily achievements, you will miss out on important opportunities to boost your confidence. All self-assessments though small will improve and remember how great you are.

6. Take a break

Stop, breathe and enjoy a short and calm life. Otherwise, you will end up with a mental state that makes you feel drained and empty. Rest is one of the best ways to relax and recharge, so do not forget to pause as often as possible.

7. Create Simple and Realistic Goals

Little praise can help you boost confidence, so prepare your own simple and short-term goals for yourself. Try to substitute your too large target to be smaller and be easy to achieve.

8. Give Back

This is most often said but it is true, dedicating yourself will make you even better. Joining volunteers, community groups or donating clothes to the needy will be a small trigger of your increased confidence.

9. Say "No" If Needed

Being the one who always says "Yes" is sometimes profitable, but exaggeration will trigger stress and anxiety. Eliminate the tension by refusing the request, if you feel excessive. In other words, when you feel life is more balanced, then you will be happier and a nice person is invited to be friends.

10. Move Your Body

Increase endorphin hormone in the body by doing sports or brisk walking in the morning. Exercising has the advantage physically and emotionally, making you a happier and free person.

11.Complete Calendar

It would be very hard to love yourself if you just stay home. Turn off your computer, phone your friends and write down all the activities you can do throughout the week. Take a walk, visit friends, date in a coffee shop, whatever that's all you need to get out of and end feelings of inferiority.

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