I'm Muhammad Zakir Introduce my self ( saya ingin memperkenalkan diri )


Hallo steemian .. !!! How are you all, may we always be given health and long life by God Almighty. My name is Muhammad Zakir, a teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Langsa and Graduate Student of Master of Science History of Faculty of Humanities University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. I am very happy to join in this Steemit, because I can spare a thought in the form of narrative writing in this media. 

Besides being able to spell out ideas or ideas that appeal to every discussion as usual that develops in this time, also need a writing to express the thoughts that have been embedded in mind, but sometimes people can rarely spend their ideas in writing. Through this steemit can, we can develop and add insight in cultured writing among young people. 

We can see young people today, very rarely in reading culture. From reading things, it comes up with our idea to write an article that can be useful for all people. 

In my opinion, everyone can read but not necessarily be able to string up any words to become a scientific work. If the view of the person writing is easy, it is necessary step writing step. 

I know info about steemit from my friend named @jodipamungkas and @foarsyad. At first, I did not know anything about steemit. Then they began to explain to me what a steemit is. And I got interested to join and start writing through steemit. 

I would like to thank the steemit community of Indonesia who has helped me in making the work in written form. And for the future please guidance and assistance to be able to work together. Regards Steemit Indonesia Community. 


Hallo steemian .. !!!

Apa kabar semuanya, semoga kita selalu diberikan kesehatan dan umur panjang oleh tuhan yang maha esa.

Nama saya Muhammad Zakir, seorang guru di SMP Negeri 2 Langsa dan Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Magister Ilmu Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. saya sangat senang bisa bergabung di Steemit ini, karena saya bisa meluangkan sebuah pemikiran dalam bentuk narasi tulisan dalam media ini.

Selain dapat meluangkan ide-ide ataupun gagasan yang menarik setiap pembahasannya seperti biasa yang berkembang disaat ini, juga perlu sebuah tulisan untuk mengemukakan pemikiran yang selama ini tertanam dipikiran, namun terkadang orang-orang jarang dapat meluangkan idenya disebuah tulisan. melalui steemit ini dapat, kita bisa mengembangkan dan menambah wawasan dalam berbudaya menulis di kalangan kaula muda.

Kita dapat melihat anak muda jaman sekarang, sangat jarang dalam membudaya membaca. dari hal membacalah, muncul sebuah ide kita untuk menulis sebuah tulisan yang dapat bermanfaat untuk semua orang  banyak. 

Menurut saya, semua orang bisa membaca namun belum tentu bisa merangkai setiap kata-kata untuk menjadi sebuah karya ilmiah. jika pandangan orang menulis itu gampang, maka perlu langkah tahap penulisan.

Saya mengetahui info tentang steemit dari teman saya yang bernama @jodipamungkas dan @foarsyad. Pada awalnya, saya tidak mengetahui apapun tentang steemit. Lalu mereka mulai menjelaskan kepada saya tentang apa itu steemit. Dan saya mulai tertarik untuk bergabung dan memulai membuat karya tulis melalui steemit.


Welcome to Steem Community @muhammadzakir! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaman/new-steemians-project-launch

Welcome to steemit follow me i follow you

Welcome! Joining Steemit will change your life. Please consider checking out minnowsupportproject.com and @minnowsupport. It is a great community of individuals that will help you get started and can answer all of your questions.

Welcome to Steem @muhammadzakir I have upvoted and sent you a tip

thank you Friends

welcome Muhammadzakir to Steemit!! Glad to see you. I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom

Welcome to steemit
wish you enjoy in here

Hey Muhammad, welcome!!



Welcome! Followed. Follow me back 😘

Selamat Bergabung @muhammadzakir
Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia !

thanks the best friends @foarsyad

assalam o alikum !!welcome to steemit, nice to know about you. do the good work. enjoy :) and best of luck for the next.......!!

thank you, all

you are welcome........!!

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