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RE: Happy 2019 Everyone!

Luckily the furthest I went was facebook, but never had any real details on there, so much so that people who I though new me well would continuously congratulate me on a fake birthday date given to FB... Its pure mind control surviellence.. Mates would say, "i was sure your birthday wernt in november but anyway.."

Deary me, people are so dum, it will take the next gen to wake up fully!

Posted using Partiko Android


1/1/1901 thats a good birthday, and one I might add has never been questioned.

Aint it about time you landed?

:) wish it was a landing, we never left the ground, hence the 39 hours travel hahahahahahahahahhaha

Are we there yet, screamed MM. :-)

:) all here and all great! off to bed now though lol, cream crackered!

Catch you in the morrow, night bro.

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