I Live in the Forest & Eat Armadillo

I live in a house made of trees that sits beneath trees a hundred feet tall. This log cabin was made using a chainsaw and no level. It’s an octagon and what many would call a #tinyhome . I am a forest dweller living in rural America and I have joined the ever-increasing #homestead movement of people returning to the land (once again) seeking a greater connection with the joy (and don’t get me wrong, hard work) that lifestyle can bring. My partner and I have lived here 2 years now and have begun developing our #permaculture food forests and #gardens. We have planted apples, pears, an almond tree, numerous nitrogen fixing bushes, hazelnuts, pecans, hicans (a mix between hickory and pecan), and many many more. We live in the land where goldenseal, a really important regional #medicine naturally grows, and we have planted that too. All told, we have planted over 150 different species our first year. Yes we are plant geeks. We also run our homestead entirely off solar power using 8 panels and 4 batteries. We lived our first year and a half though with no electricity, also hand pumping water and carrying it around the property. We enjoy wildcrafting and trying foods most here eschew, like armadillo which we just cooked up for the first time last week (it was incredibly delicious and fatty, like pulled pork!). I’m excited to join the Steemit revolution to share what we are doing and to exchange ideas for #inspiration all around the world.


Greetings minnow!

welcome to the crypto-currency universe

Thanks! Cryptoworld ;)

Welcome to steemit. I think you will find lots of homsteaders! Following you, we're going to want pictures of this log cabin build without a level please.

Lol! New to this steemit thing so I missed the upload on the first go around, but it'll get up here ;)!

You can still edit the post and add a picture I think. I'm not 100% sure the thumbnail will show up but it might.

I am thoroughly inspired.

welcome. please join us on discord for steemit chat related to sustainability and homesteading.

PAL-MSP invite


Thanks for the invite :)

This is so amazing! I always feel a rush of happiness when I come across people like you. I quit a mainstream design job a couple years back to pursue sustainable living, eco design and permaculture. What you're doing is so inspirational and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your journey unfold.

I love that, soulturtle. I'm always amazed that people find this lifestyle out of all the myriad of ways we can live on the earth. Happy to be connected here :)

To be honest, I kinda feel that this way of life used to be prevalent not so long ago. Ask any grandparent and they will tell you stories of how they had to be self reliant within their communities. In a way I feel like involving myself with sustainable living is basically returning to our roots. To what is inherently known by our ancestors, and existed for centuries before our current social economic situation. A lot more people are realizing this now, and it's always nice to meet such folk. I've still got a long way to go, but people like you keep me going. Here's wishing you the best with the rest of your journey!

YES! I agree. It is so much more a return than any new thing. (Even if we package it or name is as permaculture for example). We definitely need each other as inspiration in a world so often filled with the uninspired or people who by necessity can't "step out" and try something enlivening! Thanks for your comment, all the best to you too

Welcome to Steemit! Your lifestyle and setup sound really interesting. I live surrounded by forest as well, but in a traditionally built home. There’s something almost magical about the woods, completely different experience than the traditional open farmland homestead. Upvoted and followed.

Thank you! I completely agree about the Magic of living in the woods. There's a reason people throughout time have made myths and "fairytales" taking place in the woods. Very magical place :)

Following you as well :)

Awesome to have you! Welcome.

Recovering vegan :) Nyai and I were just discussing the vegan movement in the US yesterday...

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