Hi Steemit! This Is My First Post. Permission I Allow Myself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians! Before it is tells more about my identity, I would like to express my respect to all members of the community of Steemit who had first joined and kindly tell many things about About platform Steemit. So I can join the friends Steemit all. I am new at steemit. Previously I have been a social media users active over the past decade and always love to find new ones. My friend, @fahmidamti and @amrulfahmi, they introduced me to the secret city Steemit. And I decided to try to join here.

Hai Steemians. Sebelum memberitahu lebih lanjut tentang identitas saya, saya ingin menyampaikan rasa hormat saya kepada seluruh anggota komunitas Steemit yang telah terlebih dahulu bergabung dan berbaik hati memberitahu banyak hal mengenai Tentang platform Steemit. Sehingga saya bisa bergabung dengan teman - teman Steemit semua. Saya baru di steemit. Sebelumnya saya telah menjadi pengguna media sosial aktif selama dekade terakhir dan selalu suka menemukan yang baru. Teman saya, @fahmidamti dan @amrulfahmi, mereka mengenalkan saya ke kota rahasia Steemit. Dan saya memutuskan untuk mencoba bergabung disini.

Introduce me @molyshare. I am new at Steemit. I come from the country of Indonesia. I am 26 year old. My religion is Muslim, I was a student of the University, the Faculty of Engineering Department of Malikussaleh Informatics Engineering. Now, allow me to introduce myself even further. About the hobby, I have lots of hobbies, which one is Photographing. Photographing has always been a fun part of my life. I am not a Photographer, but I love to take pictures. I usually like to make photos that follow the word my heart, though I know others would say ugly. In addition, this I love the things of the world that smells of adventure and also landscapes. Because I like to take pictures, and I want to show you some nice scenery View in which one views geureudong.

Perkenalkan saya @molyshare. Saya baru di Steemit. Saya datang dari negara Indonesia. Saya berusia 26 tahun. Agama saya adalah Muslim, saya adalah seorang Mahasiswa dari Universitas Malikussaleh Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Teknik Informatika. Sekarang, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri saya lebih jauh. Tentang hobi, saya memiliki banyak hobi, yang mana salah satunya adalah Memotret. Memotret selalu menjadi bagian menyenangkan dalam hidup saya. Saya Bukan Photographer, tapi saya suka ambil gambar. Biasanya saya suka membuat foto yang mengikuti kata hati saya, walaupun saya tahu orang lain akan berkata jelek. Selain itu, saya ini menyukai hal-hal yang berbau dunia petualangan dan juga pemandangan alam. Karena saya suka mengambil gambar, dan saya ingin menunjukkan beberapa View pemandangan bagus yang mana salah satunya pemandangan gunung geureudong.

Width x Height : 6016 x 4000 Device : NIKON D3200 Flash : Without Flash Distance Focus : 18,0 mm White Balance : Automatic Aperture : f/7.1 Lighting : 1/200 Iso : 100
Width x Height : 6016 x 4000 Flash : Without Flash Distance Focus : 32,0 mm White Balance : Automatic Aperture : f/6.3 Lighting : 1/160 Iso : 100
Width x Height : 6016 x 4000 Flash : Without Flash Distance Focus : 48,0 mm White Balance : Automatic Aperture : f/5.6 Lighting : 1/125 Iso : 125
Width x Height : 6016 x 4000 Flash : Without Flash Distance Focus : 42,0 mm White Balance : Automatic Aperture : f/5.6 Lighting : 1/125 Iso : 400
Width x Height : 6016 x 4000 Flash : Without Flash Distance Focus : 48,0 mm White Balance : Automatic Aperture : f/5.6 Lighting : 1/125 Iso : 125

Photo Taken From The Top 0f Mount Burni Telong
Using Nikon D3200.

(English) I guess, that's all I can tell about this introduction. Thanks a lot for attention. I say thank you. I have to go back to work for now, but I'll be back soon with the next post! Thanks so much for your kind attention. To meet the next post. @molyshare Do you have any suggestions or comments about how to improve my posts?

Saya kira, itu saja yang bisa saya sampaikan mengenai perkenalan ini. Terimakasih banyak atas perhatiannya. Saya ucapkan terimakasih. Saya Harus kembali bekerja untuk saat ini, tapi saya akan segera kembali dengan posting berikutnya! Terima kasih Banyak atas perhatian baik anda. Sampai bertemu posting berikutnya. @molyshare
Apakah anda memiliki saran atau komentar tentang cara memperbaiki posting saya ?


Welcome to family :)

Welcome to Steem @molyshare I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Hey there! I'm brand new too! I'm already having a ton a fun on here. Welcome to the community! Many Blessings from California! I love that you are in nature in your bare feet! That's just like me!

Welcome to steemit, @molyshare!
Upvoted your introduction post!
Please upvote, comment and follow me @digitaldollar for more posts!
Will follow you as well!

Welcome and hope to see more of you adventures!

Hi and welcome to Steemit. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
If you would like to stay in touch please Follow me @Fshllc

Welcome to Steemit @molyshare. I hope you are going to enjoy this platform and will be able to contribute positively. Below mentioned website will help you get through this initial phase


In case you got any questions, feel free to ask. Let's connect, Following your blog. :)

Welcome to this amazing community @molyshare
Great intro, I hope you will enjoy steemit. Wish you to have a great time on here. You can enjoy my posts too and follow me as well at @pastorlea. Thank you and have a good one

you are very welcome dear, enjoy your journey here!

Welcome to steemit !! Followed. Follow me back 😘

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