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RE: Hi Steemit! I'm Indigo Ocean, author, uplifter, childhood onset depression survivor, and masterpiece life catalyst

Greetings. I enjoyed your post. I guess we could say that we come to appreciate love and joy by having been cast into the fire of life. I look forward to your sharing what you have learned that lifts us to greater spiritual heights. For me personally, my spiritual path is the most important and rewarding part of my life. It is entirely possible to create a village of like minded souls within the metropolis of steemit. Many blessings.


Thanks for your insightful and kind words. I think that's very true what you say about appreciating love and joy by basically experiencing their absence. This is why I think that all that happens in life, even hardship, is really a blessing trying to be delivered to us. There's just the question of whether we let it in or reject it. If we reject it habitually, we live life feeling cursed, not realizing it is just the way we're exercising our free will that's preventing the blessings from materializing.

Nice to meet you.

Indeed, as I look back and consider some of the grueling years of darkness, fear, depression, anger, and self-torture I ask myself would I change any of it. The irony is, no I would not. Because all of that contributed to make me who I am, and those things, ultimately, motivated me to become something different. Looking back gives one great perspective and we come to appreciate every moment. Ultimately we become more compassionate, more whole, and deeply grateful for our strange lives. And now I'm beginning to live from the Abundant Heart. The one that is loving, whole, prosperous, joyful, caring... Steemit offers a unique place to BE. In fact I was just writing a post i'll be making soon: How the Abundant Heart Thrives in Steemit.

Thank you for these wise words. I feel the same about it all. It's the ride we came for.

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